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  1. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Here's an interesting bit about cuss words. The @#$%^& I typed above, as a stand in for cuss words? It has a name. Grawlix is a term for the use of an unpronounceable string of punctuation in place of a curse word or other taboo term. It can also be called “obscenicon” (a portmanteau of...
  2. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    She said it might be a milk snake instead; they're related. Either way, thank you, snake, for slithering the other direction. You weren't bothering me, so I didn't want to bother you. Whatever is eating the plants in my garden, however... You are bothering the @#$%^& out of me!
  3. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    This made me shriek when I saw it in the green house. Just the surprise of it. I don't mind snakes. Too much. A friend identified this as a corn snake.
  4. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Good thing I just had breakfast. This is making me hungry!
  5. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Both hubby and I like strong, hot onions. Sweet onions are ok in a salad, but when cooking, I want the strong flavored ones. I grow Red Baron and Stuttgarter; the RBs seem to be more pungent.
  6. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Good to know! Thank you. To think I was going to give those old clothes to Goodwill... :lau I must try the "eggs in purgatory." That sounds delicious! I have the eggs and the canned tomatoes; will have the garlic, basil, and onions in a few months.
  7. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    @U_Stormcrow, I thought of you at dinner last night. I have finally tasted toum. Until now, I've only heard of it, so I have no baseline to measure against. Was it good quality? Poor? One thing for certain: Hubby was not a fan, and later he told me my breath reeked. :yesss...
  8. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Clear shellac... it very well could be! Whenever Gretchen Whitmer is on the news, no matter what she is talking about, good news or tragedy, her forehead Does. Not. Move.
  9. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    @cavemanrich, THANK YOU!! for the best laugh I've had all day, maybe all week!:lau
  10. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    The wrinkles on my bug-bitten hand are returning as the swelling goes down. So much for that. :lau It also itches like crazy now. Bug bites will not compete with Botox. Actually, I can't imagine how they sold the idea that botulin toxin was a great idea as a wrinkle obscurer. Really? I don't...
  11. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Some women have straight, even lines. They get the odd numbered sizes. Those of us who grew hips and thighs get the even numbered sizes. Who thought that made sense?
  12. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Do they come in khaki, big pockets, made of cotton? Or Nylon for the 85-90 degree days? Oh. Male stripper pants. Unfortunately, I grew those pesky things called hips, peculiar to some women; larger than their waist by several inches. Pants big enough to fit my hips would require a belt, and...
  13. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    I have an idea that I'm going to call "banana pants." What if you had pants that zipped from waist to cuff, on the outside of the leg, ie, from hip down to ankle bone? So, you're outside on a day like today (80s, humid) working. You come inside to take a shower and try to pull off your pants...
  14. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Something bit/stung me on the base of my left thumb. I didn't even notice it happen, so I don't think it was a deer fly, definitely not a honey bee. After about 4 hours, the back of my left hand is all puffy. I may have found a cure for wrinkles!!! :gig
  15. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Last year was the first year I had enough rhubarb to pick, and I made a small amount of jam. I think I got about a pint...? Anyway, I put it in a jar and had it in the fridge. It didn't last long enough to worry about it going bad. :lau I have the "not enough to fill a jar" leftover bit in...
  16. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    I'm making rhubarb jam. This is the third time I've made this recipe, and I've tweaked it each time, reducing the sugar. Yes, I know sugar helps with the gelling, but this recipe says to "cook down to jam-like consistency," so it still gets plenty jammy. I'm making a bigger batch this time, as...
  17. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    In better news, I will have garlic scapes very soon! :drool
  18. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Today I am trying -- for the third time! -- to grow chard. The first time, I planted the seeds in the dirt, about 15-20. I think 2 have come up. The second time, I soaked the seed overnight, as I'd read online. Then planted them, and I got 2 out of the row. This time, I got a new packet of a...
  19. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    @fuzzi, One thing to think about: clearance below any cupboards when you open the lid. I had to turn my bread machines 90 degrees from what I would have thought was "normal" so that I could lift the lid. That is also something I have to deal with with my stand mixer, when I lift the head. But...
  20. S

    Sally's GF3 thread

    Very true! Have you looked online at any models and read reviews?
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