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  1. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    My most recent batch of eggs hatched! And I ended up with 11 hatching out of 14 eggs, so a really good hatch rate. Ended up with 3 lavender Ameraucanas, 1 Blue Ameraucana, 4 Marans mixes, and 2 pure Wheaton Marans. 3 needed help hatching and weren't doing great at first but they look great now...
  2. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    Sorry I haven't been able to update in awhile I was unnecessarily banned. Sadly we lost chocolate recently. Somehow she got wry neck which made her spin in circles constantly and not be able to move her neck to even eat or drink properly. From the way I found her it looks like she fell off the...
  3. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    Scaly leg mites came back, and they are getting bad. A few hens are even starting to have trouble walking. I'm doing my best to treat it but it has been on and off for years now and is getting really annoying
  4. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    I checked on him this morning and he doesn't seem quite as skinny, but I'll just have to keep watching him to make sure he's eating enough.
  5. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    I'm a little bit worried about new Steve. He was very skinny when I picked him up and I could really feel his breast bone. He still acts fine and is very active, but when I put him in front of the water he drank a LOT so maybe he's a bit dehydrated. He's also a bit smaller than most of the pullets.
  6. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    Yea they are a nice breed.
  7. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    Yea I got one as a chick but it died. My friends have a pair of them and I took care of them last year in attempt to breed them, which didn't work out.
  8. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    I've never ordered from there. I wanted to try them this year but didn't get the chance. I love the splash though they are beautiful
  9. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    Yea same, but I saw the buff bantams at a show once and thought they were really cool
  10. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    I wanted some buff bantam Ameraucanas but they are hard to find
  11. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    Do you mean when I breed the lavenders and splash together? That makes 100% blue chicks
  12. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    I love ameraucanas they are one of my favorite breeds. I started off with a lavender rooster, 4 lavender hens, and 2 splash hens. By breeding the lavender and splash together I got blues.
  13. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    Pretty. I've also got Mullet who was feral and living in a barn until I caught her like a year ago. Probably my most skittish chicken i have.
  14. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    I breed mostly purebred Ameraucanas, seramas, and marans now, but sometimes I will also mix them. Like last year I helped a chick that got stuck in the egg, and it ended up being a black ameraucana mix pullet with a crest
  15. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    I also had a polish rooster at one point. It seems like pretty much all mixed chucks I hatch are either dark colored or have a crest. That's why this newest batch is strictly wheaten marans and marans mixed with brown egg layers.
  16. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    I have too many random crested mixes 😭
  17. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    No, just watch her closely when they first hatch. Most hens are really good mothers, but some just aren't
  18. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    Probably that and the fact that it hatched later
  19. The Birb King

    The birb king's chickens

    I have 3 blue laced red wyandottes growing out, but only one looks like a blue laced. The other 2 just look like normal Goldens
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