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  1. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    Little stinkers [literally] lol
  2. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    And offered chick grit on the side? Sounds great ,so happy to hear Mae is doing so good.
  3. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    That is such good news!! Also are you giving your ducklings Nutritional yeast for niacin? That is very important. Or liquid B Complex? I can’t remember if you said.
  4. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    If her hip was broken I don't think she'd be able to walk if dislocated probably not either. But I am not a vet. Are you sure with her having this limp the other ducklings aren't knocking her around? not intentionally but by accident? The only way to know if it's her hip would be to get an...
  5. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    The one with the 4X duckling would be if you are seeing a niacin deficiency since I didn't I only used the capful plus Nutritional yeast in their feed.
  6. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    I actually put one cap full in their water 2X a day that is how often I changed their water
  7. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured! This will give you doses for the age of the ducklings. did you let them play in warm water yet? as for cleaning well it's a non-stop job I just happened to take that picture shortly after I had cleaned their coop. lol
  8. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    I forgot to mention the grit thankfully @New duck mommy 2021 did yes they will use it as they need it. The same for when they get old enough to lay oyster shell goes into a separate dish from feed and they use it as they need it too. I made this waterer for my ducklings.
  9. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    if you have any thrift stores around I found a nice broiler pan to put the water and feed on and I just placed a puppy pee pad on top to protect their little feet.
  10. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    Oh my gosh you will have so much fun watching your ducklings play in the water just stay with them and get them out as soon as the water starts to cool. always supervise. My ducklings that are with their mamas always get to play in water they start off in a cat littler tray with a rock on the...
  11. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    if it is splay leg it's not too bad since the leg isn't sliding out to the side like you normally see with splay leg. If you feel making hobbles just to see if it makes a difference then of course up to you. I am sorry to hear about your debit card. The reason I mentioned her getting it caught...
  12. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    Okay i thought maybe you were giving them water to play in which isn't a good idea since they can chill so easily at the age they are, but putting her into some nice warm water for some exercise wouldn't hurt at all and can help and all the ducklings would love it. Just make sure to pat them dry...
  13. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    it looks like she is favoring it but at least she is putting it down and trying. I don't think she has splay leg which would require hobbles. You mentioned the paint thing is there any place on it where she could have gotten her foot caught? or could she have gotten stepped on by one of your...
  14. Miss Lydia

    Advice duckling is limping--I think she is injured!

    What is the paint roller thing for? If you can get a video up that would help us see how she is walking and if it is a slipped tendon. You may be able to feel if it has slipped out by examining both legs and gently feeling along the back of both and comparing whether she can put the injured leg...
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