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  1. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Looks like I've been out of the loop for a while. But, as always, your critter adventures are great fun. The coop plan looks ambitious; and, I laughed out loud when I saw the photo with Winnie under Matilda's wing! I also enjoyed Eva's expression when she and Faith shared a chair!
  2. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    ADORABLE! Congrats to you, Jenny, Stanislaus and Wilhelmina!!
  3. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    I am so sorry to learn about Helen's death. Your memorial at her grave is lovely and so clearly heartfelt. I empathize with going to the Muddy Run and taking a few seconds to realize she's gone. I've had similar experiences. Helen's life was too short, but you did your best to take excellent...
  4. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Good deal on the class! And, sorry about your knee. Viv looks quite confident that she can dominate Eva -- and possibly the rest of the world. Winne's photo made me chuckle. I've seen the coming-off-the-nest-hissy-face many times! Golly is my American Buff goose with attitude; Gussie is...
  5. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Your photos never disappoint! Is Matt still in the basement? BTW, seeing at the names of your young ones reminded me of the three Smith sisters I knew when I was a kid; they were named Faith, Hope and -- Diane! Don't know why their folks didn't finish with Charity!?!
  6. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Well, Brianna doesn't seem impressed, but I think it looks like you had a great trip :). Congratulations on classes and your BYC anniversary!
  7. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Poor Matt! I'm sure it's a relief that he stopped honking -- I love my geese, but I wouldn't want to listen to them indoors for too long. Congrats on finishing up your semester! As always, great photos -- and I like Brianna's window perch.
  8. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    I understand the Muddy Run situation. It's been terribly rainy here, too; I can't believe we are still technically in a drought because the dogs and I are dragging mud into the house every day. My feather-footed hens don't want to stay cooped all day, and I don't want their feet to be total...
  9. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    I ALWAYS enjoy the posts about your wonderful menagerie! As a retired newspaper editor, I'm curious about the news articles you're writing -- tell me more, please, when you get a chance. Sounds like you have your hands full right now.
  10. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Happy birthday, Eva!! She was an adorable puppy, a pretty cute "goat" and it sounds like she is a wonderful friend! That's too bad about Rita and the duck egg. But Stan's photo made me laugh out loud. I hope his dignity wasn't damaged too much. :)
  11. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Don't be concerned about having "too many" great photos -- I don't think it's possible! Every one was a winner :). Perfect timing on Amelia's hop. Do you still think Frank and Rita got scared -- or were they just trying to teach you not to go away and leave them to their own devices? I always...
  12. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Regarding your mouse -- I keep no-kill traps, made by Kness Mfg. in my hometown, in my coops. They are no-bait, metal traps with a see-through window so you can tell when they're occupied. You can remove the mouse without touching it and relocate it far away from your coop. I like the smaller...
  13. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Oh, no! How is poor Eva doing?
  14. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Fantastic photos, so many great critters! Thanks for sharing! Looks like Brianna is inside a run. Yesterday, a feral cat here made the mistake of getting inside an empty coop. All of its ladies immediately ran up and told kitty to take a hike!
  15. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    I, for one, enjoyed your "rambling." :) Loved your birds' names; some of them are on my list of favorites for future birds (and there are always more, no matter what I tell myself every year!). Clay soil to dig through AND a knee injury -- those ducks don't know how lucky they are to be cared...
  16. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Cute, cute, cute and cute! The photo of them all lined up really is adorable! I attended an Iowa State University Extension seminar last night, and the presenter -- a small farms specialist -- said sprinkling a little instant oatmeal on the chicks' feed will help them get over pasty butt. I...
  17. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Enjoy reading about the goings-on with your birds. Thank goodness you found Minna. I certainly understand keeping a rooster who is good with his flock but a menace to people. That's my Billy, who also happens to be a sharp-looking boy -- if only he didn't hate humans with a passion. Henry...
  18. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Rita's egg is stunning I don't understand your family's reaction, but I also don't understand why some people are grossed out about eating duck eggs. On the other hand, no one has ever turned down one of my geese's eggs. People!!! Congrats also on the rest of the girls who will be producing...
  19. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Congratulations to Jenny on her sweet first egg! And, best wishes to the happy couple, Rita and Frank! I have first-hand experience with geese guarding their nests, so I'm not surprised that yours are being extremely protective. Hope we get to see photos of goslings when they hatch. I...
  20. Callender Girl

    Eva’s Friends

    Eva is adorable, and, I smiled as I scrolled through the photos of her lovely friends -- even the "outlandish" ones! Thanks for posting! BTW, my annual resolution not to get any more birds is nearly always a failure. too.
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