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  1. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    Yup! Huge! In our last batch the largest was 6.15!
  2. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    Biggest dressed weight was 8.1 and smallest was 5.5! Most were in the 6-7 lb range.
  3. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    7weeks 5 days. We're processing them today. Only had two losses in the whole almost 8 weeks so that's a win!
  4. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    Usually yes, some people butcher at seven or nine. Would you be raising CC or something else?
  5. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    Not yet, but in 1-2 weeks yes. That was a live weight.
  6. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    6 weeks old! I weighed a male today and he weighed in at 6.6 lbs
  7. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    4 weeks and in the tractor
  8. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    I can already tell pretty well which are pullets and which are cockerels, they develop so fast! We're going to switch to a 3 gallon trough waterer soon.
  9. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    Two weeks old today!
  10. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    Thanks! They've gotten so big so fast!
  11. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    Sadly one of them was dead when I checked in them this morning. But here are the 8 days old photos.
  12. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    I'm hoping these grow as well as the last batch did because they dressed out at 5-6 lbs for the most part except for one giant 7 pounder.
  13. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    That's cool! I've heard of the Red rangers but not white!
  14. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    Picked up from post office around 10:30 March 27th. They'll stay in our 7 ft brooder box for three weeks before moving out to the chicken tractor.
  15. LavenderDaFlerf

    Cornish Cross growth day 2 to butcher

    28 Cornish Cross chicks arrived yesterday and are already getting bigger! I will be taking photos and posting them here to track their growth. Estimated processing dates is May 13-25 depending on how they look. Feel free to share about yours if you're raising them too
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