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  1. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    No. I and she both understand they will be shot if they come back. She actually agreed she would do the same.
  2. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    I'm sorry that happened to you. The neighbor did pay me the 407.00 but it sure doesn't bring my babies back. My one who was hurt the worst is ok now and my rooster is good too. I lost 4 total. My husband is still sore but healing.
  3. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    I followed up with a cool head Wednesday. She actually told me herself she would shoot the dogs as well if they messed with her chickens and totally understands. She also paid 300 of the 407.00 I requested. I did tell her she could pay a little at a time. She was very understanding and also...
  4. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    I spoke with her tonight and she said she totally understands and would shoot the dogs too if that happened. She intends to pay me. We will see.
  5. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    I agree with neighborly relations also. I've been here 10 years and never met her. She lives further away but my hope at very least is she will keep her dogs put up now. It isn't about money or her replacing my babies because that cannot be done.
  6. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    One of them was injured as a baby by our rooster. I pulled her through that. She lived in my house for 3 months. She slept on my dogs bed. She went to the beach with me. These meant as much to me as anyone's dog does. I don't expect everyone to feel that way but I do :(
  7. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    My husband wouldn't want to do that. He's just upset about our babies. But I probably could seek that as well. The code says including costs. I felt bad asking for the vet bill because i know a lot of people find it crazy to vet a chicken but I have an Avian vet for my parrots so I knew she'd...
  8. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    Do you think they are going to come back to wander around? They are now a threat to my property as well as all the people around me who are also on the lookout to protect their flocks.
  9. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    We have no such thing as animal control in the county. The sheriff is animal control and they say shoot it.
  10. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    You are right however, the sheriff says I have every right to eliminate any dog I don't want on my property.
  11. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    My babies were on my property. Hers weren't. I have 5 acres and my chickens stay on my property. This actually happened 10 feet from my front door though. I value my chickens over my own dog. I have parrots and chickens and am a bird person. I would never shoot a dog that just came to my...
  12. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    MS Sec code 95-5-19 and 20 allows me to kill the dogs and charge her the value of the animals and all costs as well as attorneys fees and court costs. I am in Mississippi and also work for an attorney. I am a licensed Paralegal as well and it would do fine in court. Mississippi is also a stand...
  13. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    We can agree to disagree as they were at home on my property. Her dogs didn't get out. She let's them roam freely when they go outside.
  14. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    I verified and in MS code sec 95-5-19 and 20 allow me to kill any dog on my property.
  15. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    Sunday afternoon tragedy struck. 2 dogs from a half a mile down the road (owners have chickens too) massacred my flock. My babies free range from 12 to 6 daily. We heard something and my husband ran outside and saw the dogs. He grabbed a gun and while chasing to get a shot he fell. He broke a...
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