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  1. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    It's mostly the roos, but sometimes hens can get cranky and go after another bird. My favorite hen, Pudding, was done with our first roo's BS. To be fair, the roo was a very bad roo, so we were actually kind of cheering her on as she chased him furiously around the cage and pecked him for a...
  2. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I honestly feel like nothing that chickens do to each other can upset me. Feather plucking? Eh. Overbreeding? Eh. Roos fighting? Eh. I've had to nurse scalped quail back to health, it's fine.
  3. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Oh, I can talk you back out of quail, too. They're super cute, especially as tiny babies, but they grow up in 9-12 weeks and then you have to deal with teenage quail...and quail scalp each other. Yes, you read that right. No, I don't mean like "they pick each other bald", though some do. I...
  4. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Ask and ye shall receive Personal experience? You get tiny egg shell bits in anyway. Probably fewer, but still. All the food talk I missed! I'm weird in the opposite direction - I'll eat most foods. We have quail salt eggs and quail century eggs going right now. The Husband and I regularly try...
  5. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I'm currently in Florida 🥵 I grew up in Georgia, so any movement north would be an improvement. The quail are currently in shade, with plenty of water, a wading pool, and I put out some apples and corn (some of their favorites + provides hydration). There's water bottles in the freezer for...
  6. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Don't threaten me, I have family in NC and am prone to making trips north. We're going to be moving to GA soon, too.
  7. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Uh...I don't really know at the moment. I *had* a covey of 15 hens and 2 roos, but then we hatched 30ish from eggs I ordered, gave away 5 hens to my mother in law, and hatched another 30 eggs. Assuming half of all these hatched eggs are roos, which we typically cull (though the Husband says he's...
  8. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Oh boy. Don't forget the humidity effect on toes and legs (or is that just quail?) where they're more likely to have curled toes or splay legs with too-high humidity. Even more things to be worried about! Let me tell you, trying to use a band-aid cut in half to make tiny leg hobbles for a...
  9. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    I'll trade ya. The quail hens refuse to stop laying and I'm running out of ideas of things to do with eggs. We've got salt eggs and century eggs going, and the Husband loves breakfast sandwiches made with like...a dozen quail eggs. I've begged the hens to stop and am being held hostage by eggs.
  10. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Breathe. Stay here with us on the forums or go take a walk or something. Even quail, who notoriously hatch like popcorn, take time between pipping and zipping. But congrats!!!
  11. scyllarus

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Hey! Most of us are normal!...Sort of. Most of the regulars in the Quail section of the forums are horribly practical people with advice like "Feed your quail gamebird feed" "Have a plan to kill every person rooster you meet" and "Don't tolerate violence in the flock." So - more seriously...
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