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  1. OneEggToRuleThemAll

    My Pekin duck laid a GIANT egg and now, three days later, she's acting sick! Help!

    How often do they eat the oyster shell? I bought it once and sprinkled it around the duck pen, and they ate some, but then I just started throwing eggshells into the duck pen, and they eat those instead. All of Mae's eggs have had nice thick, hard shells.
  2. OneEggToRuleThemAll

    My Pekin duck laid a GIANT egg and now, three days later, she's acting sick! Help!

    Mae is all better! At least, she sure seems to be! The day she laid her egg (after I gave her the Calcium Gluconate the night before), she was still pretty down in the morning, but as the day went on, she was acting more like her usual self--foraging, swimming, preening, keeping up with the...
  3. OneEggToRuleThemAll

    My Pekin duck laid a GIANT egg and now, three days later, she's acting sick! Help!

    Mae laid an egg this morning, but she's still not acting normal. She's laying down a lot. Ate a few bites of food but not a full meal. Just kind of hanging out near the water but not super interested in it. When she was preening her chest, she was rocking back on her feet, like she was too heavy...
  4. OneEggToRuleThemAll

    My Pekin duck laid a GIANT egg and now, three days later, she's acting sick! Help!

    Actually, she (and the other ducks) were in their pen with three separate water containers AND their pool, and by 3 pm when I noticed that no one was drinking or in the pool, I went and touched the water and it was TOO HOT! Even in the kiddie pool! It had been in the 90s for a few hours and I...
  5. OneEggToRuleThemAll

    My Pekin duck laid a GIANT egg and now, three days later, she's acting sick! Help!

    I gave her the calcium gluconate 1 ml over a couple tablespoons of dried meal worms. She wouldn't eat all of them--she maybe ate 3/4 worth of the dose. Then she wouldn't eat any more. I'm afraid that I don't know how to give her the meds by mouth and I'm super nervous about it! But I'm going to...
  6. OneEggToRuleThemAll

    My Pekin duck laid a GIANT egg and now, three days later, she's acting sick! Help!

    Hi Miss Lydia! How do I give her the ml? Over some treats? She's acting very strange now. She's super slow and just standing around panting, not moving much at all. She did poop in the bath...and she ate some peas. Could she still be eggbound?
  7. OneEggToRuleThemAll

    My Pekin duck laid a GIANT egg and now, three days later, she's acting sick! Help!

    Okay so I just examined her foot more closely outside, and I actually don't know if I'm looking at bumblefoot. There are a couple cuts, but they seem mostly healed. I don't feel any cyst-like-thingies under the skin of her feet. Maybe she was overheated.
  8. OneEggToRuleThemAll

    My Pekin duck laid a GIANT egg and now, three days later, she's acting sick! Help!

    UPDATE: I just looked at her feet while I had her in the tub and she's got dark colored lumps on the bottom of both feet, plus what looks like an old but still open/unhealed cut. I feel absolutely horrible...I haven't checked her feet in a while. We live in a busy urban neighborhood and we've...
  9. OneEggToRuleThemAll

    My Pekin duck laid a GIANT egg and now, three days later, she's acting sick! Help!

    My Jumbo Pekin, Mae, is 5.5 months old and just started laying eggs two weeks ago. The first three eggs were fairy eggs with no yolks! Then we got three days in a row of JUMBO duck eggs, then one MASSIVE DOUBLE YOLKER, then no eggs at all for the next three days. Yesterday, she was panting HARD...
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