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  1. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Hanging out at the “playground” in the rain. The playground is a 1 foot by 1 foot puddle that Mama brings the kids to when they have too much energy and she needs a break!
  2. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    No pictures today, but will take some tomorrow! I finally did the spring clean out of the stall, which I had been delaying while Mama incubated. Wow! I’m always shocked at the amount of bedding I put in there over the course of the winter! :barnie :th Hopefully, Mama will appreciate her fresh...
  3. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    The 2 Rouens and the KC(?) are 1 week old today. The WH will be a week old tomorrow AM. Scary moment today. Mama was leading the babies into long grass, which I did not approve of. One little one was heading off on its own adventure, so I carefully picked him up to put him back on the lawn. I...
  4. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    I was hoping for another WH, but I’m ok with a KC. I don’t know why I didn’t realize it earlier! I was so focused on bill color and just thought it was a male WH. Well, if it is a KC, it could still be a female, which is nice!
  5. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    While I was drinking my coffee on the way to work this morning, I had a thought. I don’t think the chocolate duckling is a WH, although the egg was labeled as such. He/she looks more like a Khaki Campbell!
  6. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Oh, I forgot to mention! Mama does this new behavior -she does a little stomping/pattering dance when startled/alarmed. I think it means “come to me, babies”! I’ve never seen this behavior in any of my ducks, although this is the first time I’ve had a Mama duck!
  7. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Little lady WH, Daisy, is now 4 days old. Her siblings are 5 days old. Daisy very occasionally trips and falls when running about like the crazy duckling she is, but everyone seems strong and healthy. Mama took everyone on a closely supervised tour of the property today, then the babies took a...
  8. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    They are! Mama has been taking them on brief outings, and is very good about making sure they don’t get too warm/cold. She’s also been showing them different approaches to getting back into the barn. The are only allowed out of the stall when I am right with them as I know they would be little...
  9. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Forgive the duckling spam, I just can’t help myself!
  10. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    First brief duckling outing! Aunties Matilda and Remi saw their nephews/nieces from afar, but kept a respectful distance. Mama Muscovy definitely showed her babies off though.
  11. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    They’re out of the nest!!! Mom is showing them the ropes, and everyone, including Mom, is eating and drinking well. I just sat with them in the stall for almost an hour after work getting the little ones accustomed to my presence.
  12. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Thank you for your reassurance! I’ve been getting a little worried about Mama as she has entirely stopped taking care of herself over the past couple of days. She started the spring a bit fat, so she is still in decent condition, but I want her to remember that she needs to care for herself if...
  13. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    There are 3. One is in some sort of state, possibly hatching, while the other two are still very solid, possibly with pips, but Mama wouldn’t let me see. I got a video, but can not upload it until later. Here’s more pictures though! Everyone is looking good. #1, Apollo, must be getting a bit...
  14. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Thank you! :hugs It looks like the newest arrival is a possibly female Welsh Harlequin and the other Welshie is male based off of bill color? I’ve decided that one male can stay. I will have to wait on the Rouens to voice sex when they are older. I wouldn’t mind if the hatch stopped at 4...
  15. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    There’s 4 this morning! I got two not-great pictures while holding Mama back with my other hand. It looks like Rouenx2 + Welsh Harlequinx2!
  16. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    The cats will definitely be kept far away until the babies are much bigger. Remi and Matilda are definitely very interested in the peeping that is coming from the stall. Annnnd, my hubby reports that he saw THREE ducklings this afternoon. He thinks they are all Rouens. Today was day 27, so...
  17. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Once those who hatch hatch, how long before I introduce everyone to their “aunts”, Rouen females Matilda and Remi?
  18. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    Okokok, I promise to take pictures tomorrow! Apollo/Annabelle (Rouen) hatched early this AM and is currently drying off with a very blissfully happy Mama. He/she looked a bit squashed/sad/deceased first thing, but after a couple of hours, is upright, appears strong, and is fluffing up nicely. I...
  19. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Hatching experiment - Time to make my Muscovy a mom!

    We have a pip! Actually, at least one significant pip, one that is just beginning, and I don’t know about the rest as I wanted to get Mama back on the nest the second I saw the pip! I thought they still had a day or two, but it is happening! Now, once they hatch, I assume Mama will keep them...
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