1. I

    Hello, I’m new to the website ~ I come here as a novice looking for information & advice, I know I have come to the right place! HELP PLEASE!

    Hi, thank you. It is a Canada Gosling. It came from rehab, I had a pair of Canada Geese on my pond so I tried to get them to accept it with their 5 goslings. They rejected it as did the pair that hatched it.
  2. I

    Hello, I’m new to the website ~ I come here as a novice looking for information & advice, I know I have come to the right place! HELP PLEASE!

    Thank you. Will look into the heat lamp. As far as obtaining 2 more Canada Geese, I don’t think that’s a possibility. Are you suggesting I try to put this gosling with a Domestic Pair of Geese?
  3. I

    Hello, I’m new to the website ~ I come here as a novice looking for information & advice, I know I have come to the right place! HELP PLEASE!

    I AM IN URGENT NEED OF ADVICE/INFORMATION! I have a Canada Goose pair (Zeus & Ophelia) with 5 Goslings on my pond. It is their 4th yr here & it is their 3rd clutch. A friend gave me a gosling, basically the same age (1.5 weeks) to see if my pair would adopt it, the original parents of this...
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