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  1. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Oh yes! What I love about those flourless gems is you don't have to have very much to be satisfied. At that's saying a lot coming from a chocolate junkie like me!!
  2. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    It takes approximately 1 3/4 cups of powdered sugar to substitute for 1 cup of granulated sugar.
  3. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Don't feel dumb! How do any of us know how to do anything until we are shown or we read it! I didn't make butter until I was an adult...a neighbor friend accidentally over whipped her whipping cream and headed right in to butter...never knew it till then myself!
  4. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Homemade butter is so easy it's done many times in pre-school class in a jar for the little children to see how it's done! They add cream to the jar and keep shaking and passing it around until it gets solid! Here's the basic recipe: 1 pint heavy cream Salt to taste (I use kosher because it...
  5. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I love it!
  6. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I'm with you on that one. I dieted from January 6 - around middle of March. Lost a whopping 10 pounds...depressing because I really deprived myself! Anyway, when I quit losing I just gave up. I think because I started eating home baked bread and no processed food it has helped the 10 pounds...
  7. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Well the weather is going to be FANTASTIC here this week! Temps in the high 60's low 70's and NO RAIN! You won't find me in the kitchen this week! The bread machine will get bread duty but that's it!
  8. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Precious! You are blessed!
  9. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Yummy! Looks great! My DH loves Angel Food.
  10. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I had a friend that made a dairy free cheesecake from macadamia nuts! I was surprised how well it turned out in taste and texture. Here's a link to a recipe.
  11. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    My blueberries were pitiful last year. I hoping this year will be better! If not, I'm ripping out and starting over.
  12. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    You're welcome! Yes, oh my, SO addicting! Of course now that I've pulled my recipe out I'll have to make a batch. My family will do the happy dance. My oldest daughter likes to eat it with milk kefir.
  13. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I've read coconut oil mentioned several times here. I use it myself but where I use it the most is in my "famous" granola recipe. It's famous as far as my friends go because they always beg me to make jumbo batches and then share it with them. (Back to my commercial ovens, I can make the...
  14. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I was one of those kids that had to wear the brace to bed thing with weird boots. I was little and I have no memory of it. Kids are amazingly resilient and get used to things far better and faster than adults. You are being a great Mommy just being there for him and loving him.
  15. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    They look fab! Enjoy! And yes, I love them big...I wouldn't call that a mistake! I make mine 2-3 ounce size with is probably about 2-3 tablespoons in size!
  16. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I only use coconut oil in one thing, my granola!, not a tree hugger thing it's just really tasty!
  17. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Well everybody...go bake your Snicks and report back here what you did and how they turned out! I know you all will love them!
  18. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Cream of tartar is used to rise baked goods. I found that if I use baking powder and baking soda I got the same rise out of my Snickerdoodles. I'm not completely saying that Crisco is evil but I do try to stay away from soy and mono and dyglycerides as much as I can. I do use Crisco to grease...
  19. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    It's adorable!
  20. Bridebeliever

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    The difference between me and Betty? I use 100% butter, none of that shortening stuff goes in my cookies. And like I said, I found an alternative for cream of tartar which is expensive and not always on hand. So go with Betty or me, Miss Debbie!
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