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  1. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Mmm homemade bread makes any meal special :drool
  2. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    To get harissa the first time I had to google then go to a big international foods store. But last year I made some harissa from scratch using local New Mexican red chiles. I gave it to family as Christmas gifts. It was fun! But the bowl of soup I had for lunch didn’t have any harissa or...
  3. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Cold, snowy day today, but I am enjoying some hot soup for lunch. Spiced Carrot and Pepper Soup Ingredients: 2 Tbl olive oil 4 cloves of garlic 1 large yellow onion, roughly chopped 6 large red bell peppers 1 pound of carrots, thinly sliced 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp paprika (sweet not hot) 1/8...
  4. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Mmmm I love a nice frittata :drool Thanks for the idea! I make a pretty good Tortilla de Patatas too with onions potatoes and eggs. Just haven’t figured out omelettes. I don’t do fungi either. I can’t get past the texture.
  5. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    That looks fantastic! My omelettes always end up ‘scrambles’ instead
  6. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Thanks Ron! I will look for that at store this weekend
  7. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Will do! And to start out, here is a new chocolate cake recipe I tried last weekend for my husband's birthday. Chocolate Olive Oil Cake CAKE INGREDIENTS 1 1/2 cups (195 grams) all-purpose flour 3/4 cup (60 grams) unsweetened cocoa, any variety, sifted if lumpy 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2...
  8. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Thanks Debby! Excited to try some new recipes!
  9. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    :frow Hi all! Mind if I stop by? I hear this is THE place to learn how to make biscuits :D I got lots of delicious jams, jellies, and spreads for Christmas so I have been making lots of scones to eat with them. But I think I am ready to try my hand at biscuits.
  10. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I must confess that I am not much of a bread baker (I have to settle for drooling over all the beautiful items posted on this thread :drool ) I pretty much only make yeasted doughs for holidays. I will say I have never noticed any problems :confused: But I am not sure if that is because yeast is...
  11. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I second (third?) the above. I am at about a mile high as well. I never add extra flour—things are so dry here already!—and I rarely change the amount of leavening. The one exception though is if I am making any sort of pound cake. Those recipes seem to have a particularly large amount of baking...
  12. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Thanks! I’ll have to check it out!
  13. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I agree that many (too many) bloggers don't do their do diligence.... But there are some others that are really spectacular! I love love love all things Smitten Kitchen and the cakes on Call Me Cupcake look swoon worthy and (from what I have tried so far) they taste good too...
  14. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

  15. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Wow! What an awesome gift!
  16. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    If you have one, a food processor is great (haha) for shredding frozen dough or butter. You can do it by hand too, just gets a little messy/melts at the end. Excited to hear how it turns out! (Mmmm bacon)
  17. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I will definitely try this! Thanks! DH loves hard boiled eggs but hates trying to peek them. Especially the little pullet eggs
  18. CSAchook

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I am!!! :frow
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