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  1. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I thought that those were Pavlovas, for a moment. Gorgeous!
  2. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    ... Toad, I think. I think. Hims darned cute, either way.
  3. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I made brownies today, but didn't take any pictures of the ones that I brought up to eat. I mean, crumbs are technically brownies, but just little, bitty baby brownies that aren't really worth photographing to show off. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow, but probably not. Happy baking, and I hope...
  4. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

  5. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    What on earth happened to it? It's so huge and twisty!
  6. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Ooh, is that a little organ? That's so cool! I love organs -- both the instrument, and the innards.
  7. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Still looks tasty!
  8. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Good luck! Have fun!
  9. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Happy Anniversary! May you be blessed with many more.
  10. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I had too much batter for the two pans that I prepared, so I just used three pans. No cutting involved.
  11. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    A white cake with raspberry filling and vanilla buttercream -- a birthday present for Carp:
  12. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Congratulations, Meg!
  13. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    :hugs Prayers for him and for you. I hope that he gets better soon.
  14. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Bleeding!? Are you okay? I'm glad that it's stopped. :hugs
  15. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Same here! ... Let's not talk about my custard incident with the Boston Cream Pie....
  16. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    :hugs Sorry to hear about her. I hope that you can figure something out to help, or that her suffering doesn't drag out for too long. Good luck.
  17. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    It's okay -- no need to apologize. Also, sorry about accidentally hitting the laughter reaction. :oops: Oops.
  18. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    My father makes 5 lb. roasts out of pork butts that he buys on sale at the store. Sometimes 6 lbs. It feeds about six people easily, and there's only a few slices left over afterwards. Also, eesh! Bad dog!
  19. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I finally have pictures of the tarts. Banana Tart: Chocolate Tart: They were both good, but I think that I preferred the chocolate... no surprise there. I think that the chocolate one would look especially good with whipped cream rosettes.
  20. Sapphire Sebright

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Probably somewhere in Tennessee. Wouldn't make it to Louisiana.
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