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  1. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Blackberry jelly is my most favorite jelly in the whole wide world. It also makes a great marinade for pork.
  2. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    So maybe its a stupid question, but I live in the south (Deep south) and when I think of tapping maple trees, I think of cold and the north. Is there any reason why we don't tap down south (or do we and I just don't know this). I Love maple syrup and so I buy a lot of syrup. (mostly for...
  3. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I use both the bread machine and by hand. As a busy teacher with two kids and the farm, my time is at a premium. As such I mostly use the bread machine to help with kneading. I don't often bake in the machine. During the summer and during breaks I love to bake by hand using my dutch oven...
  4. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    sounds yummy
  5. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    To make a kid version slice the bananas lengthwise and add marshmallows and chocolate chips. wrap in tin foil and bake (or place on the campfire) just long enough to melt the chocolate and marshmallows. yummy .. (also works in the micro in a pinch... like when you want them late at night...
  6. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    That is another reason why starter is meant to be shared so if something happens, there are others with the starter.
  7. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Wish I had known you a few years ago. It took me about a year to get my from scratch starter going well enough to raise bread but was well worth it. Is your starter from old gold rush starter? My parents had one that traced back to the Alaskan gold rush but alas they lost it during a move...
  8. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    You can make your own starter from scratch... no post office needed. It does take a bit more time and effort but it can be done.
  9. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    me too. On the weekends I feed it and then bake with it, sometimes 3-4 different feeds and uses. Then come Sunday, I put it back in the fridge and there it sits waiting for the next round. I found and article that talked about feeding it several times without cooling it in between. I...
  10. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    If you bake weekly it will save but you have to work it. If you just use it occasionally it will not retain the strength to give you a good lift for the lighter bread we are used to. In that case many people supplement the sour dough with some yeast. When I can bake a lot, I can run it...
  11. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    My parents had a sour dough starter that traced back all the way to the Alaskan Gold rush. So they can last a long time if fed and well cared for. I started mine up about 5 years ago and it is just now starting to get to be a good starter in my book.
  12. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Okay this is making me pull out and refresh the sour dough to make pizza. Too bad, I don't have the materials to make mozzarella. I need to do that again. Did it once and it turned out okay meaning I need more practice.... right......
  13. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I have never worked with Eikorn wheat but am interested in looking into it. How difficult is it to adapt to its unique properties? How is it compared to good quality organic?
  14. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I picked up the Traeger Jr. There are some times that I wish I had gotten the bigger one. My large dutch won't fit on it (So I had to go buy a smaller dutch....Oh darn.... woe is me...... I have to add to my already large collection of cast iron......). It will only fit a turkey under...
  15. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I use my dutch to make artisan bread as well as everything else. LOVE LOVE LOVE my dutch oven. Love it so much that when I bought my Treager grill I had to go buy another dutch because my big one wouldn't fit. Now I use them both..... Can't think of anything I can't bake in a dutch....
  16. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    It came out this time. Guess I get to eat the little one and take the big one to school.....Thanks for the good vibes.
  17. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    If they taste 1/2 as yummy as they look...... I'm in.... Just put a pound cake in the oven. Hope it comes out of the pan this time. (intact)
  18. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I understand about the youngins... unfortunately I can't think of anything that uses LOTS of cucumbers. Make up some pickle relish or some tzatziki sauce and slather it on a pita with some roast lamb.... that's a yummy way to take care of a few cucumbers.
  19. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

  20. Talithahorse

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Well, I did it. It tastes wonderful and I think it will thicken a little bit as it cools. Next time I will measure it a little more carefully so I can tell for sure that I have cut it in half. I did end up slightly lifting the lid so that the steam could escape more easily and that...
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