Search results for query: *

  1. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready. Don't lecture me... I'm sore as hell because I spent the entire day outside yesterday working on mulching and I got it all done... and loved every minute of it. It made me feel alive and happy. I was humming and smiling. And I saw MY butterfly. Here. I've...
  2. DobieLover

    BYC Café

  3. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    If the sign read 'she' I'd have had you get it for me! Bridget, my little red C&D Dobie, wore a prong collar. It was the only tool that stopped her pulling. I had her at a horse show I went to watch and a lady kept looking at her as if she was going to kill her. She finally asked, "oh, is...
  4. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Yes. The doctor I saw also handles pain. Specifically my kind of pain. I'm just in a hell of a bind because his staff can't manage to get paperwork through correctly to the insurance company. That's why I want to talk to my primary care doctor. Maybe I can just start over with another pain...
  5. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Oh I have a diagnosis. I have a ruptured disc in my lower back. It is impinging the nerve feeding my left leg and without heavy pain meds, that basically leaves me crippled and not able to do anything. My doctor wants to give me a nerve block injection. That's standard treatment for this kind of...
  6. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    The fifth time wasn't the charm. I went to the office again. I asked the receptionist if I could speak with the doctor and was answered with an adamant NO. So the arrogant PA came out and I reiterated the ridiculously high number of attempts for them to properly fill out a form that had...
  7. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafè. Coffee is ready ☕. I slept hard last night. And long. I didn't get up until 7! Must have needed it. I still have lots of unfinished jobs to putter with. I'm going to try to finish mulching the garden and house. Then clean the coop tomorrow. I never got my help with that and...
  8. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    You just described my mother.
  9. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    I had to euthanize one of my fish today. He never seemed that robust and was one of the large fish that I purchased last year. He'd been acting very lethargic the last several days and today I saw him laying on the bottom of the pond. So I used clove oil to anesthetize and then euthanize him. It...
  10. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafè. Hot coffee is ready. Very chilly again but thankfully no frost. I only have to work today plus take 2 hours PTO for a full paycheck this week. I'll be working half my day from home because my family is leaving for a cruise and there will be no one to put my dogs out mid day...
  11. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    I think your cheese slid off your cracker.
  12. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Yes, I certainly have. If the appeal is not approved this time, I'm making an appointment with the other doctor. I'm so sick of this. That is so completely cool!! Do you know when it will be aired? That is not a chore...
  13. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Oh joy. That nasty tempered pullet, Savannah, is broody... AGAIN! And my go to girl, Astrid, has been talking the talk for a while. Yesterday, she fluffed out in full turkey mode complete with growling. She's going to tip over to the dark side any day now. I want to have someone hatch some...
  14. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready on this chilly morning. It's 42 out. I had to drive to Binghamton yesterday to discuss with my doctor's office how they, for the FOURTH time, didn't fill out forms correctly and had to tell them, AGAIN, what was needed to get MY INJECTION AUTHORIZED!!!! Maybe...
  15. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    All the life use does is attach the person to the property. The property cannot be sold unless he relinquishes the life use or dies. I just had them file the DC so that the house can eventually be sold when I croak.
  16. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    The assessor reviewed all the information I provided and tried to determine why the increase was made. It was because of my solar panels!! However, they applied the full price of the panels to the assessed value instead of the full market value. We have a 53.5% equalization rate here so they...
  17. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Me? Stalk??!! Never...
  18. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe. I've got a hot pot of coffee freshly brewed for everyone. I have to go to the Assessors office to drop off my grievance form this morning. They sent me a letter when I was in DE stating that they've increased my assessment by 40%!! I cannot determine a valid reason why. I...
  19. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    Two years ago when we went to the beach house, the same thing happened to me and the dogs when we were hiking along the beach. The breeze was coming off the marsh and the bugs were terrible. Bella kept running to me for help. We ended up getting a very potent stable spray with permethrin in it...
  20. DobieLover

    BYC Café

    I always mark a nest with a stone when I find one and check it daily near hatch time and never see a damn thing!
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