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  1. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    That is scary! I hope they can help her soon.
  2. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Well, to each their own.
  3. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Dunking them won't help but could easily get them sick or in case of an elder hen a heart attack. I don't recommend this.
  4. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    He might be calling for/mourning his already eaten partner.🐸 Don't be so hard on him.
  5. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    We visited two gardens today and had a wonderful time reconnecting with people we haven't seen in a long time. And I felt almost inebriated from sniffing all the different kinds of beautiful roses! Such a treat! You would have loved it too @DobieLover
  6. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Good morning Café! A freshly brewed pot is on the counter. The rain finally stopped and some rays of sunshine peek through the dark clouds. Today we are heading out to the annual open gardens tour where private gardens will be open for visitors to come and enjoy, talk to the owners and get...
  7. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Here in Germany they get overwhelmed by the overabundance of bureaucratic documentation that is nowadays required. Leaves them with hardly any time left to talk or deal with the actual patient. And I feel that nowadays it is often the wrong kind of person that chooses to study medicine. The...
  8. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Good afternoon , everyone! I brought another pot to share. Is there a place you can report them for messing up and hindering your treatment?
  9. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Come over here and have your pick! :bow
  10. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    And another broody Amrock... :th
  11. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    And another two... :he I had to resort to moving them to the other flock as it is starting to get a bit crowded in the aviary.
  12. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    I can relate as that is exactly how I operate. For me it is much easier to bear the constant pain when I disregard it best I can and get things done. Of course it will hurt even worse afterwards, but at least I can trick my mind into believing that the pain stems from all the work that got...
  13. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Good afternoon, Café! A freshly brewed pot is on the counter, help yourselves to it. Just a moment ago the rain stopped and a few rays of sunshine are coming through. Would be nice if it wasn't for the enormous amounts of very hungry vampires/all kinds of biting and blood sucking flies trying...
  14. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Check for poultry mites
  15. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Just pulled out two more broodies from the nest boxes which makes a total of 8 at the moment, but there seem to be a few more ticking... :barnie
  16. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Oh dear, what a scare! I hope she will be alright and just have a long snooze. Did you get another dachshound?
  17. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Lucky you! :clap
  18. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Good afternoon Café, and thanks for the coffee DL. I am clinging to my mug as a manner of delaying the dreaded 💩💩💩board cleanout. Just having to wade through a wall of heavy rain to reach the coops puts me off today. So a prolonged coffee-session it is in hopes to lift the mood.
  19. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    How are you doing today Penny, hopefully not seriously hurt? Sounds all only too familiar to me! For planning any heavy duty actions I need to add at least three to four days of recovery time needing a crane to help me get out of bed and upright, or rather the kind of upright I manage...
  20. LaFleche

    BYC Café

    Good afternoon Café, and thanks for the much needed coffee, DL :caf Have you considered changing doctors yet? There seems to be a way of treating/ignoring you that is literally unhealthy and may even lead to further damage. Yesterday evening at head count I discovered two more broodies in the...
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