bad weather

  1. Lolame777

    3 month old Brahma Rooster cant stand on his feet

    Hi everyone, I have a 3 month old Brahma Rooster that we hatched and raised and noticed last month as we came out in the morning to feed the chooks he was sitting but couldn't get up and walk, within the same day he was well again and walked as per normal. A couple of days ago (almost a month...
  2. J

    Sand vs. Shavings. Opinions/advice?

    Question for you guys. I have a roughly 6x8 ft (floor space, they've got some roosting rods and they're nesting nooks as well raised from the floor in the coop) raised coop for my 19 strong flock of 6-7 week old chicks, and I'm currently using Pine Shavings inside of it. I live in North-Western...
  3. Squeak61

    Not using nesting boxes

    Hey everyone. The recent nor’easters have brought a lot of snow and rain. It unfortunately leaked into the chicken coop and made the floor into a pond :barnie We got it cleaned up quick, and we set up provisions to make sure it doesn’t happen again. However, for that period of time, the nesting...
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