bored chickens

  1. matthennessy

    Chicken boredom busters? How can I keep them entertained in the run?

    Hey all! I have 2 laying hens in a 10ftWx6.5ftLx6.5H run (I will attach photos of our setup) but they constantly seem to be pecking,digging, and snooping around the edges and door of run where I come in and out. It seems like they spend all day looking for a way out as they can see the rest of...
  2. Lunes

    Bored chicks who are corn fanatics

    Sorry- a lot of questions I’m about to unpack here 😂 My two silkie chicks are 4 & 3 weeks old and seemed a little bored in their playpen setup so I googled if I could give them snacks or something new and read that if I chopped up sweet corn and gave them a very small amount it was ok. Well, I...
  3. G

    Hens acting bored and restless for no apparent reason?

    Hi, I currently have 8 red star and 2 black star chickens, all of which are about 4 months old. They stay in the coop at night, and in the run during the day. I give them 16% layer feed crumbles, fresh and clean water every day, and they have everything they need as far as I can tell. Recently...
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