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    Yellow bucket eggs storage
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    Egg bucket storage
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    Egg bucket 🪣 storage
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    Egg bucket
  5. DIY 5 Gallon Tower Feeder

    DIY 5 Gallon Tower Feeder

    When I discovered that the big comb of my Crested Cream Legbar rooster hampered him whenever came the time to eat from the coop’s Tube Feeder, I knew I had to build a new type of feeder to better accommodate him. BackYard Chickens is a lifesaver when it comes to searching through it for ways to...
  6. IMG_0233


    .99c store Galv. metal Pail custom painted with rooster stencil.
  7. L

    DIY bucket/eye bolt feeder question

    I made one of these bucket/eye bolt/washer/nut feeders. Happened to have some small red pvc to slip between the washers to catch their eyes. Put it out night before last as only source of food to try to get then hungry enough to figure it. Sat in the run yesterday morning with them to...
  8. Tenn Hens

    Made a no waste bucket feeder. Our ducks, chicks and chickens love it.

    What do you think?
  9. JerryR708

    2 Gal. Galvanized Metal Bucket

    I was at the .99 cent store and found 2 gallon galvanized metal buckets. I am always looking for useful items for my chickens and found these for 1.99. I bought a bunch of them and painted the wooden handles and a rooster on each of them. I painted blue for the water pail and red for the grain...
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