escaping chickens

  1. T

    Help! Escaped chicken!

    A few days ago, one of my hens got loose and has been very evasive. She's very skittish and runs off as soon as she sees me. I've tried baiting a live animal trap with chicken food to catch her, but the only thing I've caught so far is a raccoon. She still comes around the barn to look for food...
  2. SilberHenne

    My Wandering Wyandottes

    Any tips on keeping my pullets from hopping the fence and visiting the neighbor's yard? I like to have them free ranging on my property, but lately a couple have gotten brave and I don't want anyone thinking a free dinner walked into their yard. I have a privacy fence, so they are flying 6 ft up...
  3. KikiDeAnime

    Keeping Them In? (Master Escapees)

    We currently in the process of putting up netting to keep hawks from taking any more of our chickens but our chickens keep finding a way to escape. They're unable to fly over the electric fencing and there's no small spaces for them to squeeze out from. The hen coop and chick coop are even far...
  4. CannedMonster

    Non-Flying Breed Suggestions?

    I need advice on breeds that don't fly well. I don't have very tall fences (currently 4' chain link), as yet, and my chickens can jump up and over. The funny part is they can't seem to figure out how to get back. I have to open the gate and chase them back through. The back fence is 6' wood...
  5. L

    Escaping Chooks

    Please tell me if this is on the wrong fourum, newbie here. I just had a quick question, when we first built our chook run my dad put a door in made of if a steel frame thing.... I have no idea how to describe it. But when my brither went to to feed them it was always a big thing becuase the...
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