fighting drakes

  1. M

    Male ducks doesn't finish mating

    Good evening all, I have two male ducks and one has recently been overthroned by the other and chased around by the other make (there are plenty of females to go around). I've noticed that recently when he is able to get hold of a female duck, he starts his business, but doesn't finish. This...
  2. ivytalks

    Should I let my drakes fight?

    Hey, everybody, I hope you're all well! So this time I'm wondering if it's normal that my two drakes fight not constantly but yes more than they used to which was almost never. They both are around 5 months old, my father brought them as a gift for my cousins but I am the one taking care of...
  3. G

    Drake Attacking Other Drake. Very worried, please help!

    Hello all, I have been raising 4 Pekins for the past few months. They are my first ducks and I love them. They are my babies. I got 3 back in May of 2020 (2 drakes, 1 female). Sady, the female passed after being born rather weak. I got two more females in September after rescuing them from a...
  4. Dmeichelbaugh

    2 Drakes Fighting

    I have one American peckin and Drake, and one Swedish blue Drake they grew up together from babyhood. They both turned out to be male, and I thought that they were going to live blissfully together because they always cuddle and never leave each other side, I went out to dump and refill the...
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