new babies

  1. M

    Brooder lamp not going above 81 degrees

    Hey y’all I’m new to hatching eggs and I’m having an issue getting my brooder up to temp. I’m on day 15 of hatching coturnix quail so I’m anxious about not getting the temperature high enough before they start hatching. I have an inkbird temperature probe set up touching the bedding directly...
  2. ChickenTenderz

    Our new babies!

    All four are supposed to be Black Australorp pullets, but one looks different than the others? Can someone offer their thoughts, are they all BA?
  3. titosfarm

    New babies… let mama do her thing or intervene?

    We woke up to 3 little babies running around, game hen and silkie mix. The mama seems to know what she’s doing, however we are concerned whether or not we need to step in. Should we keep babies with mama seperate with chick starter and water… or let her stay out with them and do their thing? I...
  4. Clodill4rel

    Lavender olive egger ?

    We just hatched two today! From my lavender olive eggers and look what color they are ! Totally dark with cream light belly’s kiwi is the silky broody hen her egg is going to be hatched as well soon but I am just really curious why these ones are so dark. Any idea?
  5. V

    Do I need to separate a broody that just hatched babies???

    Our chicken Sunday has just had her first successful hatch. She's in the nesting box still hatching chicks so I'm wondering if I need to separate her. Do I remove her from the nest box? We have about 15 other hens will the chicks be safe? I've only experienced hatching in the incubator and...
  6. Newchickymama37

    Super excited about my new babies!!!

    Got some new babies yesterday and I’m soooo excited! I have a variety of breeds to ensure year round egg laying. The ones I’m most excited about are my ameraucanas! Just really wanted to show my babies off, what do y’all think?
  7. Peeperscreepers

    Cackle order arrived today..getting settled now

    My cackle order arrived at the post today about 11 am. It pretty much got here over night. 16 chicks, welsummer, and olive and Easter eggers. So far they are all spunky healthy beautiful losses at this point. I've got them in the brooder and already gave them some water then food...
  8. C

    Warm Welcomes From Cali Coast!

    Hi y’all! I recently bought myself some little ladies from an event known as Chick Days at Lemos Pet Supply on the 24th; I was able to see all of the lil cuties and ask for specific breeds from the handler himself, but sadly in the fit of all the excitement, I forgot some of the breeds ‍♀️ I...
  9. Jessezgirl96

    newbie ♥️⚠️

    hi everyone! I’m new here, my family and I live in the city. We just got our sweet chickie babies yesterday. Lots of questions and excitement for us!! We thank you in advance for all of the wonderful insight and resources you have to share with us. I am grateful for you and look forward to...
  10. H

    Hi, I'm new

    I"m Hannan, and a couple weeks ago, my family bought six new chicks, three black sex links (mine to care for) and three yellow chicks that I forgot which species they are, but my sister, who's in charge of those, probably remembers. They're all hens, because we don't have a large enough estate...
  11. Birdcrazy

    New babies, unknown breed and one little sick one?

    Hi everyone! So, my incubated eggs just hatched! Super exciting, because I haven't had chickens in a few years now! :wee Also, it's my first time incubating, usually just have a reliable broody! 8 babies - no idea what breeds. One is a bantam, smaller, fuzzy legs, extra toes. The last two...
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