
  1. zimileih

    Blue Australorp vs Black Australorp Personality?

    I was wondering on if anyone has experience with blue australorp personalities. I adore black australorps but wasn't sure if the blues focused more on color than personality. I'd love to hear yalls opinion on blue australorp behavior.
  2. Everose

    What is your favorite Myers Briggs Type?

    So I've seen a lot of articles out there saying what the most liked types are, by societal standards, but I'm curious to know what your favorite types are. And if you're not familiar with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), read this article to learn more so that you can vote😁
  3. mychickensgivemelife

    Please help my Penny found her like this after being the backyard!!

    PLEASE READ I AM DESPERATE: Penny is a young healthy chicken full of personality we’re in the middle of winter so I know she’s not overheating I’m worried she’s hurt her poor little wing badly I’m taking her to vet tomorrow since it’s night now her only symptoms are fatigue closing of the eyes...
  4. How smart are chickens?

    How smart are chickens?

    How smart are chickens? As anyone who’s cared for chickens knows, chickens are sensitive animals, keenly attuned to dangers and changes in their environments. Those of us who spend time enjoying observing our flocks may also notice some special individuals who stand out, and are identifiable...
  5. B

    Rooster shakes head

    Sometimes I play with my rooster by trying to get him to crow. I’ll try and make the sound and sometimes it’ll make him crow in response but other times he’ll shake his head back and forth. I call it his little dance but my dad says he’s probably telling me no he doesn’t want to crow. What’s the...
  6. Hanusaur

    Chickens and Their Hilarious Personalities

    I just needed to share this story from today. A week ago, I watched my smallest hen grab some green thing twice the size of her head and sprint away with it. I caught up with her in time to watch her literally swallow an adult praying mantis whole. It was still alive when she did it, and I was...
  7. ChickenPerson999999

    Black Sex Link

    I’m thinking of getting one. I know they are a cross between a barred hen and a Rhode Island rooster. Males have a white spot on the head. What are some of the personality traits? Do the hens alert the flock of danger or protect them? Do they have a tendency to go broody? Do they do good in hot...
  8. fivechicks715

    How to make chickens more cuddly?

    I am new to owning chickens, ours were born this past April (27 to be exact). So they are fairly young. They all let me hold them, some more happily than others, but only one will lay on me like this, and not for long. I would like to get them to like being held more, or be more friendly and...
  9. Toshirauma

    Breed with the best personality

    Hello! I am doing some research ahead of starting a flock for the first time this upcoming spring. I want to raise and train chickens as pets primarily and am wondering what you would recommend for the most fun and trainable chicken breed. Thanks for your help!
  10. mega


    I picked up another duckling today from the breeder and I noticed how insensitive they were towards them. Am I the only one that gets attached easily and sees them as having their own personalities? They are likes pets to me!
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