possible injury

  1. Basghettiii

    Lump on chicken’s breast

    I’ve made a post about this chicken pretty recently regarding a patch of missing feathers over her crop. At first, I didn’t really think much was really wrong, maybe just some feather picking. It’s over her crop, as I said earlier, so a lump isn’t really that concerning. I’ve begun to monitor...
  2. Basghettiii

    Missing feathers on my chicken’s breast

    This is Jelly. She has scoliosis, so she isn’t shaped quite right, and I’m wondering if this might be part of my issue. She is missing feathers on the right side of her breast, but doesn’t appear to be missing any feather on her back. I was just wondering if it’s possible that my rooster might...
  3. AChickenBoi

    Help!! My chicken won’t put any weight on her leg!

    My 2 year old barred rock hen won’t put any weight on one of her legs. I first noticed just 30 minutes ago when I went out to see my girls, and I saw that she was laying down. I felt her leg and foot, but I didn’t feel anything out of the ordinary, but at the same time, I don’t know what...
  4. The chicken nurd

    Possible sick bird

    So today I came home after being gone for a few day to find that one of my young hens who’s about 8 - 9 months old had most of the feather missing in her tail and head Is she sick or is it just picking in the flock
  5. Cattt123

    Poorly wing?

    I’ve been lucky to never have wing injuries before, but this morning my girl has started doing this holding one of hers out to the side: I’m fairly sure she hasn’t boinked or anything so I’m not sure how she’s done anything to it! What do you think? In need of a vet visit?
  6. Emily_VVV

    Something is wrong with my duckling

    Hi all, I'll try to get a video up as soon as my phone is charged because this behavior is really difficult to describe, but here it goes: my duckling, Mac, is a Muscovy duck and we're not sure how old he is but he's just now getting in some feathers. When we got him, he had something funky...
  7. ShrekDawg

    Scab? On cat.. or something else?

    I just noticed this on the cat's chin. Thoughts? Scab maybe?
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