
  1. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    What do you like to forage? Calling all foragers!

    I was just on BYC's sister site '' and it sparked my interest if anyone here forages too. I personally love foraging sustainably for things like burdock, hen of the woods, morels, plantain, purslane, horsetail, willow, and more. I foraged some horsetail and dried it recently...
  2. RayrayB

    Best Free Range Bird for Meat

    Hi! After raising chickens for fun for the last few years, I have started the journey into sustainability and raising my own chickens for meat as well as eggs. I started with a small seperate flock of marans and ameracaunas with the idea of using the extra roos for meat and keeping the hens for...
  3. LizzzyJo

    What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks?

    I try to live sustainably and sometimes I do and sometimes I don't! What are some of your tips or things that you can't do? Example of things I do: - no purposefully bought single use plastics in the home. This has been made much easier by the new variety of plant-based baggies and saran wraps...
  4. davidmpenning

    Adding Naked Neck (Turkens) into Breeding Program

    Has anyone tried (or thought about) adding some Turkeys/Naked Neck gene into their sustainable meat program? From what I’ve read, the NN gene carries so many benefits - easier plucking, more meat production (especially in the breast), more resistant to diseases, great mothers, good taste...
  5. LizzzyJo

    Please share your tips and tricks! Any homesteaders out there? Anyone trying to live sustainably or off the land?

    What are your goals in hobby farming or homesteading? Off grid? On grid, but no grocery store food? Just the best parts of all lifestyles? I think that homesteading and sustainable living is about community - none of our ancestors did it alone! They had the wisdom passed down to them. We've...
  6. K

    Hello, I’m Kaly!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I just got chickens for the first time last week. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We bought 7 day old chicks and have 3 hens on the way tomorrow (3) What breeds do you have? We’ve got a mix with about 5 or 6 different...
  7. Black Rabbit Homestead

    Fodder in the run

    We decided to try out a new fodder in the run, so far it's been working out great and I thought I'd share it with yall.
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