Another round of Guess This Chick


In the Brooder
May 3, 2024
Hello and thanks in advance for the help!

Short version: I am curious about the breed and sex of this chick, which came with a mixed straight run set of hatching eggs from a farm in central Ohio.


Long version: This little squeaker (who gives little cheeps almost constantly while other hatchmates are silent), is one I rescued from being picked on by the rest of the group (5 chicks total). They were all hatched from a mixed straight run assortment of eggs in our elementary school. At about 2 days post-hatch I noticed on our chick cam livestream that one wasn't walking right at all and was getting picked on by the other (bigger) chicks. I went in to school to check out the baby and it had a bleeding halux (which I assume was from getting pecked) and what I learned (after a Google search) was sprattle leg.

Home with me comes the little one at like 8:30pm on a Saturday night, on goes the VetWrap hobble and by Monday morning it's looking quite good. Feet still a little far apart, but able to run and climb and stretch, etc.

However, it's still quite the runt and definitely not growing as fast as its peers. Since they started picking on it again it is back with me and gobbling down food and drink, running around generally being a menace, and screaming any time I am out of sight.

I have always wanted chickens and it looks like one has decided to adopt me. What do I even have? If I use Google and photos online I think Barred Rock, not sure on sex. But literally my first time attempting any kind of ID of a chicken, so I am open to being very wrong.

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