Bare belly, redness & crusty feathers

I have a 1 yr old rhode island red hen that has lost the feathers on her belly, the skin is red and the feathers look crusty. I checked her and did not see any mites or other bugs. I checked our other girls and it is just her. She acts normal, eats, drinks, perches at night and still laying eggs everyday.
Any idea what it could be?
Hi, I know this is an older post, but curious how your chicken healed up or how she’s doing now? I have one that has the same red skin and feather loss on her belly and have no idea what’s it’s from. Thanks
Hi, I know this is an older post, but curious how your chicken healed up or how she’s doing now? I have one that has the same red skin and feather loss on her belly and have no idea what’s it’s from. Thanks
It turned out she was going in the nesting box after another hen that was laying thin shelled eggs. When she sat on it, it would get crushed and she was breaking out from the egg yolk. I gave her several warm water and Epsom salt soaks and put hydrocortisone on her belly for the inflammation. She is fine now, all healed up.
The other hen has stopped laying soft shelled eggs and very rarely lays at all. We think she has some kind of gland issue. But she's a sweet girl and is very supportive of the others when they go to the nesting box to lay their eggs.
It turned out she was going in the nesting box after another hen that was laying thin shelled eggs. When she sat on it, it would get crushed and she was breaking out from the egg yolk. I gave her several warm water and Epsom salt soaks and put hydrocortisone on her belly for the inflammation. She is fine now, all healed up.
The other hen has stopped laying soft shelled eggs and very rarely lays at all. We think she has some kind of gland issue. But she's a sweet girl and is very supportive of the others when they go to the nesting box to lay their eggs.
Ok thanks for the reply! Mine might be laying in wet mulch but other than that I don’t know. I’ll try doing epsom salt baths and applying hen healer and see how she looks

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