BDutch's bantam flock & natural breeding projects #5 🪺 🪺 and #6

Egg candling broodies & incubator
Yesterday evening before I went to bed (already tired) I candled eggs for the second time.

6 eggs under Black and Ini mini, candled 3 eggs:
Took the first one out. I could see through 👀 There was no number on it. Then I realised it was an egg from Katrientje, my Rhode Island red 🤣.

The other 2 (#5 and #6) are doing well. The broodies cover the eggs much better now than in the beginning. The first days the broodies sat more or less on top of each other on one clutch of 6 eggs. Now the broodies sit side by side with each 2-4 eggs underneath.

4 Incubator eggs:
2 embryos in the eggs in the incubator have not grown properly. The other two have grown well.

I want to candle the other 4 eggs under the broodies if they give me a chance. Discard any that didn’t grow and lay the two good incubator eggs under the two broodies to exchange or just add them.

The incubator can be dismissed.

Candle torches:
My old candle torch broke. I took of the cap (ring) and put it on my phone the first time I candled. It worked fine but I had to be careful.

Bought a new torch with a stronger light. Wrapped a piece of cardboard around it and taped it. It’s a better candle torch than the old one or the phone with the cap/ring.


Red mites:
Many precautions (DE paint mixed in the sand, tobacco in the roost area, special herbal liquid in the water containers, herbal powder in the chick feed) and I am controlling very thorough this year, trying to prevent a new infestation.
I haven’t seen any grown red mites this spring, but possibly a tiny nymph in the control rolls in the broodies nest-box a few times. Both times I rubbed some DE between the feathers of the two broodies. Nighttime inspections are okay. Control rolls are clean again after dusting.

Tintin & Pearl
Tintin stil peeps if he gets lost. No crows yet. What I thought I heard earlier this week must have been something else.
Mother Pearl and adopted son Tintin free ranging together.

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