Broody hen and older chicks in same pen?


Feb 23, 2023
I have a large run/coop for my main flock, and a small side pen for acclimation period for new additions to the flock. I had a hen go broody so I put her alone in the side pen with eggs and she’s been sitting for about 5 days now. I have 3 chicks in my basement that need to go outside in a week or two. Would it be fine to put them in that same side pen as the broody hen, or would that disrupt her and stress her out?
I have a large run/coop for my main flock, and a small side pen for acclimation period for new additions to the flock. I had a hen go broody so I put her alone in the side pen with eggs and she’s been sitting for about 5 days now. I have 3 chicks in my basement that need to go outside in a week or two. Would it be fine to put them in that same side pen as the broody hen, or would that disrupt her and stress her out?

The chicks might disturb the broody hen. But I would be more worried about her attacking them, which could injure them or even kill them. Broody hens can be quite mean about protecting their nest, eggs, and chicks from other chickens.

I don't know how big the small pen is, but maybe you can divide it into two parts?

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