Coop planning in New England

What breeds do you have? I ask because I don't see a place for a roost. And I'm afraid you'll be crawling on your knees into the chicken poopy bedding if you need to catch a bird in and under the coop.
I would still make it even bigger yet. The general recommendation is 4 sq ft per bird inside the coop and 10 sq ft per bird in the run (outside). You are close with your updated plans but not quite. And that is just a general recommendation. Bigger is usually better. Especially in this climate if they ever end up stuck inside on a stormy day. Bigger helps prevent bullying and boredom. You may or may not experience these issues. And I recommend either a walk in coop or at least big enough to crouch in and rake or sweep out every so often. It helps. And a linoleum/vinyl type floor is a huge help too if you do end up going with a floor instead of no floor. Makes sweeping it out and cleaning up spills super easy.
Ok, I’ve updated my plans to be a 4x8 area with a full roof, with a 5x3 indoor coop, 2 feet off the ground. So in the winter, 15sqft inside and 32 sqft outside. In the summer, they can access the whole fenced in area in my yard during the day.
I’ve got 4-5 sqft of ventilation with peak vents, and two openable windows and the chicken door.
(The two pictures at the bottom are from each side)
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Nice sketches. They look pretty proportional, but I would suggest using graph paper......and making the whole setup larger.
You want more than the often cited 4/10 in harsh climates.
Coop update: I added vents between the rafters and a solar powered fan. Chicks seem to like it so far!

I’m still going to install a nesting box on this side. They have oregano, lavender and sunflowers growing in their garden.

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