Duck pics please post!!


12 Years
Apr 21, 2007
SW Florida
I'm working on my DH to let me dig a pond. Once that's done I want to get some ducks. Would like to see some pics of different breeds so I can pick out what to get.

I need ones that don't fly.

Thanks, Marsha
magikchik We live in northern Florida. We recently tried to order some ducks. According to the hatchery They can only send white pekings to Florida. (That is the Aflac duck) My DH went online to find out what was going on. According to what he found you have to get a permit to have certain ducks. So before you try to get ducks check it out with the wildlife bureau. Micki

we have three along with our 14 chickens...
ducks are about 8 or 9 weeks and lots of fun!

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