Duck with small bumbles, suddenly lame


13 Years
May 8, 2011
My welsh harlequin has been walking with a slight limp for probably 1.5 weeks due to getting bumblefoot, then suddenly 2 days ago she couldn't stand up or walk. It doesnt look too bad so I dont know why she suddenly can't stand? I've had/have ducks with much worse bumblefoot who don't even limp.

She's gotten bumblefoot before very briefly and I just made sure her feet stayed clean, dry, and not on hard surfaces. It quickly cured up on its own then.

I find it very concerning that she's went lame. I'm not sure what to do. Should I remove any scabs and soak her feet in an epsom salt bath daily? Anything in particular I should put on her feet like vetericyn spray, neosporin, iodine, coconut oil?

I'll get some pictures later so you can see. There's one small bumble on each foot.
do you supplement your ducks with extra niacin?
I would start her on liquid B complex right away Put 1 ml of it on some treats like meal worms make sure she gets it all every day for a while.
For her feet after soaking put this "epsom salt poultice" generously on her feet then use gauze pad and vet wrap them. keep her out of the water and mud. change it every other day. Ill get you links of the products Im talking about in a minute. they sell at tractor supply too, at least the b complex i know of
Thanks! I considered that it could be a niacin deficiency, even though she's 1.5 years old and eats Mazuri Breeder Diet which i think ought to have enough niacin for an adult duck. Probably best to treat for it just in case though!
Here are pics of her feet. I think it was her left foot (the one with 2 scabs) that seemed to be bothering her before she went lame.

The right foot looks a bit swollen too, I think?


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Here are pics of her feet. I think it was her left foot (the one with 2 scabs) that seemed to be bothering her before she went lame.

The right foot looks a bit swollen too, I think?
I don't think that foot is the cause of her not walking.

I would treat for niacin deficiency as above, and consult a vet if that is a possibility. Do soak the foot and keep it clean
The vet confirmed that she must have an internal infection as she has a fever and he agreed that her bumblefoot isn't bad.

She's been given SMZ antibiotics and an anti inflammatory.

She was able to stand and walk some before the vet visit but not a lot. I guess her infection must be causing her to be very weak :( Hopefully it's a bacterial infection so the antibiotics can make her better.

What threw me off was that she was limping a bit for a week or so before going lame. And at that point she was acting completely normal. So it seemed like it was all linked to bumblefoot.

Definitely a good call to go to the vet! I've also bought the B complex from Tractor to give her, just in case. I figure it could help with her being so weak in the legs and can't actually hurt anything.

Thanks for the help!

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