Got my new ladies!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 15, 2007
Western Massachusetts
Picked up my new 12 pullets yesturday. Last season I kept 6, this time I decided to double my flock as I have new customers!!

How do I post a picture??? I would love to show them off. Thanks. -Brian
Here's my gals. Can anybody identify their breeds? The white ones are leghorns, the dark reds are RIR, the black ones are ostrelorps, the light red is a mix. We're very excited!! The kids will have fun. -Brian.
Awww, a nice flock! I get mine in May, can't wait! Sorry I am new with brands of chickens, I'm sure you'll get lots of replies!
Hey Beejay86, tell me how it was, did you pick your pullets up at the P.O.? And how did that go? I'm new at purchasing chickens, and them coming in the mail, just need some experienced chickeners so I know what to expect when it's my turn... Thankx
Very nice mix.
The lighter red could be New Hampshire Reds, or RedStars, Red Sexlinks or Golden Comets.
The leghorns are nutty as fruit cakes, but champion egglayers. Being a light breed, they're more likely to lay first also.
i see 3 with white tail id call them golden looks like you have 1 or 2 rir hens.but im not to sure.
Lunachick, I got them at a poultry farm, as is, at 4-6 months. I did not get these through the mail. I might try raising chicks next year. This way I avoid the raising of babies, buying more than I need, etc... I paid $9 each for these. A bit much, but in 10 weeks of laying, they will pay for themselves. Thanks to everyone for the breed help. -Brian.

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