
Apr 22, 2024
After doing a lot of research and deciding to purchase hens versus chicks, I caved and got chicks. I'm a first timer, but I researched breeds and my top pick was Australorps. My local TSC had them in stock and I thought I'd get some others for variety. So I got 4 Australorps, 3 Barred Rock, and 3 Wyandottes. I should have known better when the staff couldn't tell the Barred Rocks from the Wyandottes.... BUT my real problem is that I don't think I have Australorps. In the picture the four at the bottom are ALL black and much smaller than the others. I think they might be Sex Links? Chick pros, what do you think?


  • Chicks 4.21.24.jpg
    Chicks 4.21.24.jpg
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Yes, three wyandottes and three barred rock. I just can't figure out the little black ones.
:welcome Hopefully they are not bantams of some sort.
If they are bantams, could they not be together? I hate the thought of returning a live animal to a store.

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