Help!!! What is it??

It is NOT a Columbian Rock! I already posted that.
Hey theOEGBman, yes I seen your post, just was curious about what the c-rock looked like, do you know of any good pics of an EE? THX
Yeah, Im really sorry about that. I just thought of that. It was a rough night, one of my Bearded Dragons died.

I dont know why Feathersite doesnt have individual Rock pages, but it could be because they dont have enough pictures.

As for the EE pic, EEs come in tons of colors so there's no telling what you'll get. I do have a cockeral that looks similar to yours, I'll post a pic.

Here is my White EE cockeral, Brutus.

Here is the one that looks like yours...

Sorry it appears that Im handling him roughly, Its hard to take a pic while holding a chicken with the other hand,lol.
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Hey theOEGBman, Apology accepted, sorry about your dragon:( The second pic looks just like ours. And by the way what does OEGB stand for??
Old English Game Bantam

They were the first breed I ever owned. Thanks for the condolences as well.

Its a lot easier to type OEGB than it is to type Old English Game Bantam.
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