Help with identifying hinnies


Apr 11, 2022
Fruit Cove/St Augustine FL
Hey yall, are there any sure fire ways to tell between drake & hen hinnies?

They all have such a mixture of both momma's & daddy's characteristics & behaviors.

One (smaller one) is in the process of finding their voice.
The other two (bigger ones) are still peeping.

The smaller one got it's flight feathers first.

I don't know if I can go by size because what if the smaller one is a male, taking after Momma's body size and the two larger ones being females with Daddy's body size. Then again, if they are taking on the "breed" characteristics then do I have two drake's because of how large Muscovy drake's get compared to the hens?

Dad chases all three, he will not tolerate any of them being around Momma and he guards her like her life depends on it.

Any other info that could help, let me know.
I am including multiple pictures as they've grown up.

As babies, the two Appleyard looking ducklings are the ones that are currently and have always been bigger than the black Muscovy looking duckling.

Screenshot_20230307_181825_Dzees Home.jpg






My Mullard Ducks were all three the same size. I thought for sure that the one with a partial white ring around its neck was my male. It ended up being the only female out of the three. They say you usually get a 60% ratio of males to females. My male was a huge Muscovy Drake and it mated with a female Rouen Duck. Yours are so pretty. I didn't realize I had males until I actually saw their private parts exposed, they chased my hens so much that I rehomed the boys and kept the one that quacks and does not bother anyone in the pen. She will only quack when startled though. My boys seemed to peep forever, then they finally hissed. I still waited for proof though before I rehomed them.
Update: You were spot on, 💯% correct
My males were so hard on my hens as they were huge so they got rehomed. I have heard that they are really good to eat but I could never do that. There is supposed to be something special about their liver that some people like in the mules. The man I rehomed mine to said his friend really wanted mules, not sure why and I was afraid to ask.

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