Help with sick chicken


Mar 23, 2024
I have two chickens. They were my neighbors but recently became mine. One is perfectly healthy and doing great so far, the other has been sick for almost two weeks. When I first noticed it, I didn’t know what was wrong so watched her and let it play out but then she seemed to get worse and worse so I started researched a ton and found that she had every symptom of coccidiosis. I started giving her corid almost a week ago and she seems to be acting slightly better, not as hunched but she still seems pretty tore up so now I’m doubting my diagnosis or maybe need some reassurance. So I wanted to come here for advice. First, how much time does it take to see a difference (am I worrying right now for nothing) and second, what else could it be if it’s not cocci?

I’m new to all of this…

Her symptoms…
Diarrhea (no blood but white with little brown bits)
White soiled vent
Hunched (a Little less of that now)
When she was hunching a lot, she would have her eyes closed
Ruffled feathers
Slower, not as active
Not as interested in eating tho she still sort of eats
Pale comb
No laying
I would finish the Corid since you started it, but I would suspect a reproductive infection or a crop disorder if her crop is not emptying over night. Can you feel of the crop now, and early in the morning, and tell us if it is empty, full, doughy, or puffy? I have had some hens with reproductive problems who had droppings as the ones you describe.

Does she lay eggs? Is her tail held up or down? Are you in the northern or southern hemispere? Does she look as those she might be starting a molt? Try to get her drinking the Corid water. Consider worming her with SafeGuard liquid goat wormer 1.25 ml orally for 5 consecutive days, or with Valbazen 1/2 ml orally given once and again in 10 days.
I would finish the Corid since you started it, but I would suspect a reproductive infection or a crop disorder if her crop is not emptying over night. Can you feel of the crop now, and early in the morning, and tell us if it is empty, full, doughy, or puffy? I have had some hens with reproductive problems who had droppings as the ones you describe.

Does she lay eggs? Is her tail held up or down? Are you in the northern or southern hemispere? Does she look as those she might be starting a molt? Try to get her drinking the Corid water. Consider worming her with SafeGuard liquid goat wormer 1.25 ml orally for 5 consecutive days, or with Valbazen 1/2 ml orally given once and again in 10 days.
Thank you so much for your response. It's not the crop. She doesn't lay eggs and isn't molting. We are in the Northern Hemisphere. Her tail is up but sort of fanned out. When she lays down it goes down (unlike the other chicken) Overall she looks really ruffled. We are finished with Corid now and she really doesn't seem any better.

My other neighbor, who knows more about chickens than I do, came over today and noticed her nails were pretty long and then I noticed her beak is a little long too. So I trimmed both of those. The neighbor also suggested a bath to wash her diarrhea butt and also to check for egg bound. She isn't egg bound. We washed her as best we could and dried her up before putting her back outside. Gave her a treat of meal worms after the bath and she had no interest.

She does have a growth on her face (I guess it's her gland? Next to her beak) Maybe she has cancer? Every day that passes I am starting to be afraid that maybe she is just dying. At least she got a spa treatment and some cuddles before the end. :(
Can you post a picture of her face and the growth? So her crop is empty in the morning before she eats?
All I feel is skin and bones when I feel her crop. I will try and get a picture of her face today. It should be easy now because she just lays there ☹️😢
When I have had a hen who was failing, it could be common that they have long nails and a beak that they have not been wearing down. Two years old is pretty up young still, but some can develop cancer or reproductive disorders. Does lay eggs any more? I would hold a small tuna can or cup up to her beak, and try to get her drinking water with electrolytes or a tsp of sugar per 8 ounce cup. Offer some scrambled egg and watery chicken feed. She could be weak from dehydration or lack of food. Let us know how she is doing.
When I have had a hen who was failing, it could be common that they have long nails and a beak that they have not been wearing down. Two years old is pretty up young still, but some can develop cancer or reproductive disorders. Does lay eggs any more? I would hold a small tuna can or cup up to her beak, and try to get her drinking water with electrolytes or a tsp of sugar per 8 ounce cup. Offer some scrambled egg and watery chicken feed. She could be weak from dehydration or lack of food. Let us know how she is doing.
Here’s a photo of the growth on her face. When I walked over there just now, the other chicken was laying with her, and I could hear the healthy one squawking in distress as I walked up. She’s still squawking. Like she’s worried about her sick sister. The sick one hasn’t moved and refuses to eat and drink. Tried the tuna and tried to give water since she isn’t moving. My husband thinks the tumor may be blocking her ability to swallow well from the inside. He said if it’s that big in the outside it has to effecting her on the inside.


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