Moving my 6 chickens interstate - what is the best mode of transport?


Jun 1, 2021
Hi everyone :)

My partner and I are relocating in December from Cairns, QLD to South Australia (about 2,600km). We have 6 hens, all around 2-3 years of age, who we love dearly and will definitely be bringing with us!

I was wondering if anyone else here has transported their chickens similar distance before, and how did you do it? The obvious option is to put them on a plane, which is a 3hr15m flight. I just wasn’t sure how unpleasant it is in the animal cargo hold for a chook, potentially being next to cats/dogs, changes in air pressure, bumps etc.

The other option is for us to hire a van or similar vehicle, put them in large cages in the back, and drive them down. The big issue here is that it will take us 3-4 days to complete the drive since it’s so far away (roughly 35hrs drive), so they’d be in the car for a long time.

If anyone has input that could point me in the best direction, it would be greatly appreciated! I don’t mind the cost/effort of either option, I just want to ensure the very best chance of all our ladies arriving safe and well, and ready to explore their new home!

Thank you all in advance!
These are links to both travelling in a plane, and in a car. If your going directly to South Australia from Queensland you’ll be travelling through a lot of desert without much grass, I’d look into flying your chickens down to South Australia. If your taking the long route (down near Sydney, then going into Victoria for a bit) I’d look at driving, though it would take longer.
I know people do get attached to their birds. But you might consider leaving them. I am unfamiliar with Australia, but that distance can put you in a much different climate? Chickens hate change. This is going to be very stressful for them no matter which way you do it. And then when you get them there, it will be a strange place, coop and run. They are not young birds, often times stress can bring on sickness or ugly behaviors.

If there is someone close by that you like and has a similar set up, it might be best to leave them. Just another option.

Mrs K

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