New chicken owner on East Coast US

Thanks all for the welcome!!
As for breeds, we bought 3 sapphire gems (which may all be roosters sadly we will see!) and 2 Cinnamon Queens that do look like pullets to me. I posted in the sex thread too and have 3/3 votes that I was tricked into buying roosters lol! We can't keep roosters but I believe I know where they can be re-homed. If so I am thinking maybe buff orpingtons from an online hatchery in August to join the 2 hens so theyre not lonely. Thanks again for the welcomes!
We bought 10 Speckles Sussex and 10 “Buff Orpington” (they are not) female but see we have 2 Speckled Sussex Roos and 1 Mystery breed Roo (maybe 2). We purchased them from Rural King who typically brings in female chickens only. Apparently the hatchery made an error. Now as far as the mystery breed that could be someone putting the incorrect birds in the brooder or they were miss labeled. The Speckled Roos we do not mind but the mystery birds we have no intention to breed. We believe they may be ISA Browns.

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