pretty angry


12 Years
May 10, 2007
Dallas, Georgia
My order was sent the 13th from ideal 2 chinese goslings a brown female and a white male and 1 crested fawn and white runner duck. Somehow the female runner wasn't included or either she was lost somehow in the mail. I called ideal and they were pretty rude. They said they couldn't send just the one duck even if they included male chicks for warmth so I ended up talking her into letting me just order one other duck. I ordered a female black runner. The ducks will be sent next wednesday and should arrive by next friday. I love my little geese they are so sweet. I gave them their food and water and right now they are sleeping under their heat lamp. I'll post pics later.
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Bummer. Ideal hatchery was really good to me when I ordered my chicks.
Had you asked for all females and they sent you males instead?
There isn't any excuse for rudeness on their part.
It was their mistake in the first place not to include the one you wanted!
Hope it helped to post and get it out of your system for a bit!!

Looking forward to seeing pics of the little ones!!

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