Will these spastic chickens settle down?


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2024
Hello! I posted earlier about trying to integrate two lavender Orpington’s to my young flock of Americunas. The lavender Orpington’s are eight weeks old, one pullet and one cockerel. These Orpington’s are wild! They are so much more skittish and hard to handle than my Americunas, to the point that instead of integrating them I am thinking about letting them go to a more experienced flock local to me. It is a drama fest of flocking and feathers when I go to do anything around them. I have have raised them myself, although I did break my foot when they were three weeks old and did not get to be around them near as much for several weeks. But I was never around the Americunas—I just got them from a neighbor and they are so much easier to handle! curious if anyone thinks they will settle down or if this is what I’m in for with them if I keep them. Thank you!
curious if anyone thinks they will settle down or if this is what I’m in for with them if I keep them.
Hi, hope you're enjoying BYC! :frow

Yes.. they will settle down.. like ALL juvenile animals.

The integration in and of itself could be enough to cause some spastic behavior..

Let the older girls raise up that boy and then he may become a good flock leader.

I LOVE the more mature birds.. once the teen phase has passed around 8+ months.. Give them a chance unless you're just not interested in keeping them. :fl

ETA: being a smaller group of only 2 is one of the things currently working against them.. in my experience.
Hi, hope you're enjoying BYC! :frow

Yes.. they will settle down.. like ALL juvenile animals.

The integration in and of itself could be enough to cause some spastic behavior..

Let the older girls raise up that boy and then he may become a good flock leader.

I LOVE the more mature birds.. once the teen phase has passed around 8+ months.. Give them a chance unless you're just not interested in keeping them. :fl

ETA: being a smaller group of only 2 is one of the things currently working against them.. in my experience.
Ok, thank you so much! I am introducing them to 4 others, who are 4 weeks older than the Orpingtons and only about 8 days in the coop/run themselves. I appreciate the info and encouragement!

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