Your 2024 Garden

I share your feeling. I'll go check my trap in a couple hours.
Good luck!
The only thing I've had squirrels destroy i the veg garden is sunflowers. They will shimmy up the stalk and bite the tops off. Then go running across the yard with the bloom. :mad:

Funny part was seeing hubby running behind them saying choice words! :wee:duc
The only thing I've had squirrels destroy i the veg garden is sunflowers. They will shimmy up the stalk and bite the tops off. Then go running across the yard with the bloom.
Oh, my. We have LOTS of squirrels this year too! All the colors: red, grey, and black. Black squirrels used to be very rare out here, but plentiful closer to Lake Michigan. Maybe they can't afford the rent closer to the lake anymore?:idunno
Oh, my. We have LOTS of squirrels this year too! All the colors: red, grey, and black. Black squirrels used to be very rare out here, but plentiful closer to Lake Michigan. Maybe they can't afford the rent closer to the lake anymore?:idunno
I remember those roasting size red squirrels from Michigan. They dwarf the size of the countless gray squirrels we have here in AL. At least we have countless oak trees here that keep them fat.
I'm thawing out some ribs to grill tomorrow to go along with a rack of jalapeno peppers stuffed with cheese and maybe they will have a little bit of sausage mixed in with the cheese...They sure do need picking and I best be getting my old bones out there and doing it before the water they got last night makes them out grow my rack and they have to be used for chili. It's a might bit hot for chili right now even if there is one pobalano pepper that is ready to pick too. It will not be long before we are grilling slabs of eggplant too.

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