Recent content by Ajp23

  1. Ajp23

    How quickly does elector PSP kill mites/lice?

    @VAfarmgirl9 we had excellent results with elector but we were dealing with lice. I hope it works quickly for your flock, it’s no fun watching them be uncomfortable!
  2. Ajp23

    What could have caused this?

    Thank you, this is very helpful!
  3. Ajp23

    What could have caused this?

    This egg feels hard but obviously has some issues. What’s going on?
  4. Ajp23

    Which is the best feeder?

    I have two of @Al Gerhart ‘s Ratproof Chicken Feeders and I LOVE them. Our girls learned to use them quickly and the way they are designed makes them safe and effective. ✨
  5. Ajp23

    Confused about coop bedding

    I’m looking for some advice on our coop bedding. We have a raised coop and use a mixture of medium and large flake pine as our bedding. Everything stays very dry, there’s currently no stinky smell but my question is, how often should this be changed out? I think I’ve found that this isn’t...
  6. Ajp23

    Pale comb - stress related?

    I don’t know if this is a thing but my hen’s combs change colors throughout the day and it seems to fluctuate along with their egg laying times and patterns. Are they laying?
  7. Ajp23

    My chickens don’t like grit or oyster shell?

    Adding: I read that a stressful event could disrupt the egg cycle and possibly cause this - any truth to this? Night before last we had very severe weather that lasted for hours. Is that a possibility?
  8. Ajp23

    My chickens don’t like grit or oyster shell?

    Ok I’m back to this thread - I have two hens, who at the same time, are laying eggs with no shell. This has never happened before. I continue to put out oyster shell AND baked eggshells. They do not get eaten. My flock currently is eating one feeder of Nutrena all flock that I’m using up and...
  9. Ajp23

    Where your chicks after brooder and before coop?

    I’m only saying the garage because the coop area does not have electricity available.
  10. Ajp23

    Where your chicks after brooder and before coop?

    Thank you for all the help! I’ll plan on keeping them in my garage with heat for the first three weeks and then will move them out into the run in a separate kennel. How long of the day time mingling before allowing the babies to sleep in the big coop?
  11. Ajp23

    Where your chicks after brooder and before coop?

    We are in North Texas so when the babies arrive it will be hot. I have a 10x10 coop and a 10x20 run but most days, the hens have the option to free range on our acre grassed lot that’s available to them.
  12. Ajp23

    Where your chicks after brooder and before coop?

    I could section the coop but then does that mean they stay in there all day and not join in the run area? This would be when they are 4 weeks old plus
  13. Ajp23

    Where your chicks after brooder and before coop?

    We currently have 13 hens and have 3 chicks coming in June. I’m looking for good solutions on where to house them once they’ve outgrown the brooder box and prior to being able to add them to the coop with the big girls. What have you found to be the best ideas? Last time we had chicks, we had...
  14. Ajp23

    Previously egg bound hen laying eggs with blood on shell

    Here’s a recent poop pic if that has anything to do with it
  15. Ajp23

    Previously egg bound hen laying eggs with blood on shell

    I have a nearly one year old EE who was egg bound last month. We got her through it but she stopped laying entirely for a few weeks after that episode. Last week she started laying again and has been laying consistently since then with normal shells but every egg has some blood on it. I’m...
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