Recent content by Auntiejessi3

  1. Auntiejessi3

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    Leave them be until the elector psp gets there, it's a one and done, kills all the insects and their eggs, no need to repeat treatment
  2. Auntiejessi3

    What am I?

    No closer pics, she is still with her momma, her legs are feathered the same as my other marans
  3. Auntiejessi3

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    How often are you using it, if everyday, I'd back off a bit, especially if you're getting the elector psp.
  4. Auntiejessi3

    What am I?

    I think so too and I don't have any blue birds currently so she'd be a nice addition. I'm thinking a blue marans, since Ideal doesn't offer many blue feather legged birds.
  5. Auntiejessi3

    Pullets or Cockerels?! Cochin and Marans

    I think your BCM is a pullet along with the rest, from what I've seen the cockerels get huge combs quite early. @wrathsfarm may have some better insight
  6. Auntiejessi3

    What am I?

    Back story: I had a broody, didn't want to risk cockerels, so ordered 8 Blue Stars (blue sex links) from Ideal. They say the parentage is blue Andalusian and barred rock. Received the chicks all healthy, but there were 10, two with slightly feathered legs, on the outside of the leg, pink foot...
  7. Auntiejessi3

    Help with high outdoor temps!

    That sounds like a good plan, you need to get them used to temps that aren't anywhere near your AC temps, your garage will be perfect!
  8. Auntiejessi3

    Your experiences with Elector PSP

    I used the dip method, mix it in a 5-gallon bucket and dip each bird, moving the feathers around to ensure skin penetration. In my experience, it's a one and done, no need for a repeat application.
  9. Auntiejessi3

    Help with high outdoor temps!

    How do you know they were overheated? I live in Central Texas, so we've got the heat and humidity, my ladies can get hot, they pant, raise their wings away from their body and just lay in the cool dirt and do a lot of nothing until it cools down. As far as the pans of water go, they aren't...
  10. Auntiejessi3

    Blue Ameraucana WHAT?

    Still a bit young to say for sure, but I think the chicken gods are telling you that the odds are not in your favor, lol
  11. Auntiejessi3

    Help baby chick has strange bugs on it

    You need to give it a little time to work and the bugs to come in contact with it.
  12. Auntiejessi3

    Gender for 8 week chicks

    They all mature differently, nothing to worry about
  13. Auntiejessi3

    Coop Cam!

    Yes, I'm quite the chicken stalker 🤣
  14. Auntiejessi3

    Change of plans

    Candled the BCM marans eggs tonight, tossed 7 of them, zero development, 3 more I think are quitters but I'll leave them in until my next candling 😞, the other 4 look on point.
  15. Auntiejessi3

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    Cute little chonky babies 😍
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