Recent content by cavemanrich

  1. cavemanrich

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Give it a test-drive with a common pie,, like apple, if you don't have rhubarb ready. I know you like to experiment. :thumbsup
  2. cavemanrich

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I don't see why using a Dutch oven wouldn't work. My only thought,,,, When placing pie tin into Dutch oven,,, avoid direct contact with bottom of pot. Direct contact may burn the crust more than desired. Placing stones on bottom may create a buffer to stop direct contact. :idunno
  3. cavemanrich

    Pigeon help needed. (possible neck injury?)

    Just comfort the pigeon,,,, and take to a rescue place tomorrow, or when you can. I don't think you can do much that may take a specialist at rescue center to perform. :idunno WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:hugs
  4. cavemanrich

    How much should I sell my seremas and coop?

    I keep Seramas, and kept them together with my LF chickens. They all got along well. Then I got an aggressive hen,,,(a rescue BTW) that did injure one of my Seramas. I rehomed the aggressor. Try to see how your chickens react to your Seramas. Of course initially,, there will be some...
  5. cavemanrich

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

  6. cavemanrich

    Any Home Bakers Here?

  7. cavemanrich

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

  8. cavemanrich

    BYC's Random Funny Posting Thread! Hosts Mike & Sally

    At this time,, there is only one.
  9. cavemanrich

    Your Mood Guides Your Music

    This is my mood at this time of year,,, each year
  10. cavemanrich

    Fugly Farm

    igorsMistress How is your leg/foot coming along?? This is the only thread I follow that you frequent such info :hugs
  11. cavemanrich

    in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

    I want to go BACK TO THE FUTURE. :old :gig:gig I'm A dad,,,,,,,,and :love all creatures big and small. Except, mosquitoes, flies, and ticks:frow,,,, Oh and some spiders:idunno
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