Recent content by chiple22

  1. chiple22

    Where can I find Ayam Cemani Putih ( White Ayam Cemani )

    6 week old pure AC getting more white everyday..
  2. chiple22

    African gander x white embden female

    I know a woman who breeds them, and she calls them American violets
  3. chiple22

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    It has been crazy busy at the farm, between these new meat birds, baby turkeys, baby chicks and goslings. I am up to my elbows and feathers.!🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 thanks for checking in on us, sometimes life gets busy! Heading to a poultry swap this morning, but only to buy antiques. Hope everybody else is...
  4. chiple22

    Rhode Island Red x White Leghorn

    Yeah I’m going to have Rhode Island roosters, silver Wyandotte and Barred rocks to cross. Hopefully it will produce sex link Chicks.
  5. chiple22

    Rhode Island Red x White Leghorn

    Thank you, yes, I just want something that will a lot of eggs lol. I have some Rhode Island Red and some Wyandotte pullets right now.
  6. chiple22

    Rhode Island Red x White Leghorn

    I have a new flock of Rhode Island red girls, I want to cross them for egg purposes. What could you recommend for a good rooster?
  7. chiple22

    Rhode Island Red x White Leghorn

    I understood the cinnamon queen to be a cross of Rhode Island, red and Wyandotte
  8. chiple22

    Am I correctly de-worming my chickens?

    That is very kind of you. Thank you, I have done it orally before but no I do not have anybody to help me with them presently. I went ahead and dosed the water, I was held water for 12 hours before and everybody is drinking great
  9. chiple22


    I used safeguard, I have used it for 2 years rotating with piperazine. I do keep my run and my coop cleaned on a regular basis, I have had Chickens for many years. This is the first time I have had a hard time with worms. Thank you for all of your suggestions. Valbazen is a good option also, for...
  10. chiple22

    Am I correctly de-worming my chickens?

    Not everybody is able to give it to them orally, if that is the case, here is the water dosage.
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