Recent content by chixruleboysdrool

  1. chixruleboysdrool

    Is my chicken broody? how can I tell?

    Just this morning my RIR hen escaped from the pen and burrowed a little hole in a bunch of dead vines. She started picking pieces off of the small vines and putting them around her in a nest shape. Is she broody? What do I do?
  2. chixruleboysdrool

    Yum or Yuck?

    yuck chicken pot pies
  3. chixruleboysdrool

    What dog should I get?

    I have two chickens and 1 cat. I am at school from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM. But my dad gets home at about 2:00 PM. I am home on weekends. I don't really need a guard dog or something that will chase my other pets around. It needs to be able to handle a long time alone and not try to run away. I...
  4. chixruleboysdrool

    how do I convince my parents to let me get another chicken

    I have asked my parents if I could get one more chicken. My mom said she was ok with it if my dad was ok with it. That made me happy, but there is only one problem. My dad is not ok with it. He said " we have enough animals! no more." We do have two chickens, a cat, and four fish. What should I...
  5. chixruleboysdrool

    what are my hens doing?

    My two hens have started to dig little holes in my yard. Then they sit in them and sleep when they have perfectly good nesting boxes in thier coop. Does anyone know why they are doing this?
  6. chixruleboysdrool

    is my hen broody?

    Now she is back in her coop eating. It looks like she was very hungry and hadn't eaten in a while.
  7. chixruleboysdrool

    is my hen broody?

    My hen isn't sitting on her eggs right now, she's in the yard experiencing her first snow. But all of the eggs are still in her nesting box.
  8. chixruleboysdrool

    is my hen broody?

    I have two hens, two nesting boxes, and two wooden nesting eggs. There is one egg in each nesting box. One of my hens has started taking both eggs into her nesting box. She ran over to the egg when I picked it up and started pecking the wooden egg. Is she starting to get broody?
  9. chixruleboysdrool

    funniest chicken picture contest!!!!!!!

    ok, the winner is.................. put your hands together for............... drumroll please............. Cat ! Posted by TinyTotsSeramas!!! !
  10. chixruleboysdrool

    funniest chicken picture contest!!!!!!!

    Wow, cool pictures!
  11. chixruleboysdrool

    Calling all egg recipes!

    My hens have just started laying and I want to know some egg recipes. Calling all egg recipes!!!!!!!
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