Recent content by Cinnaminute

  1. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    I figured it'd be good to keep this updated, just in case someone happens upon this post one day. So next day (Saturday) after draining, she was lethargic. I probably only got about 1/4 to 1/3 of the fluid out last time. Sunday, 48 hours after the first draining, I decided to drain her again...
  2. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    Update: Tuesday and Wednesday she was seemingly doing a bit better. Less panting, more interest in food (only when heavily watered down) and some interest in treats. However, yesterday and today she is worse again. Lethargic, dehydrated, barely eating (mostly dirt and some bugs I guess). She is...
  3. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    Sorry for a second post, I just wanted to share some videos of her behavior. She had a pretty good afternoon. Was more active and responsive. Drinking plenty and eating a little. Very interested in foraging and took a dust bath. There were a some times she didn't mouth breathe, but most of the...
  4. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    I edited my original post a bit. I was mistaken, thought she didn't lay the past few days but she did. I also forgot to mention she acts like she's hot when she's panting like this. In 80 degrees (which is definitely hot) everyone is fine. But she starts to hold her wings from her body and...
  5. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    @BuddingGardener Thank you. I haven't seen any material, but it's possible the others end up eating it. And she doesn't bother with the nest. However, I have a Polish hen who is definitely doing just that - sitting on the nest unproductively every day. But she's been holding on just fine for a...
  6. Cinnaminute

    Hen panting heavily 24/7 - reproductive, gapeworm, or respiratory?

    Hi, I'm looking to see if there's anything I'm missing that I could be doing for my hen, Cleo. She has been showing reproductive issues this past month, but I don't know if her symptoms are related. Would it hurt to deworm her again? Get another antibiotic? Though I fear her time is limited...
  7. Cinnaminute

    Rooster helping hen rise to top of pecking order; allowing her to bully others?

    @Nym Yeah, I wouldn't miss anyone like that either! I'm sure my girls wouldn't bat an eye. Probably happy there's less mouths to share the food and treats with. @LaFleche Olivia the Nasty, what a name! :lau I have to agree, it would be better to remove the two from my flock. Especially with the...
  8. Cinnaminute

    Rooster helping hen rise to top of pecking order; allowing her to bully others?

    Hi, I'm new to having roosters. Honestly, new to chickens. June marks the 2 year mark since I got my first 6 EE hens. And by June I'll have had my 2 roosters for 1 year. I'm still learning so much. There's a behavior I've been seeing from one of my two roosters, Truffles. I officially added him...
  9. Cinnaminute

    Topic of the Week - Dogs and Chickens

    I have two Shetland Sheepdogs that are absolutely amazing with my chickens and I never had to specially train either one besides the occasional fussing at them if they did something I didn't like. My older Sheltie male, Fiasco, was raised with my first 6 chickens. He was immediately obsessed...
  10. Cinnaminute

    Egg inside partial egg - tail down, lethargy - looking for some advice please

    @LaFleche Thank you so much. Zelda was my Golden Girl, one of the first 6 chickens I've ever had. Head hen, had decently sized spurs too! And a big floppy comb that my mom always commented on her looking like she was wearing a bonnet, haha. @Eggcessive I appreciate the extra info! Peaches is 11...
  11. Cinnaminute

    Egg inside partial egg - tail down, lethargy - looking for some advice please

    Just wanted to update for anyone following along: Did amoxicillin for 10 days. Last dose was the night of the 18th. I lost one of my Easter Eggers on the evening of the 19th. Go figure, I was just talking about that a few days prior. Not even 2 years yet. Been mourning her and now Peaches is...
  12. Cinnaminute

    Bumblefoot on toe - should I cut open or not?

    @Eggcessive Thank you so much! I picked up some Betadine at the store the other day to hold me over until my Vetericyn arrives. Completely forgot I read about sugardine on here. Been a stressful few days for me. I'm so grateful to you both, thank you! I'll get right to doing the poultices and...
  13. Cinnaminute

    Bumblefoot on toe - should I cut open or not?

    @Lillith37 Thank you for the advice! I've been so unsure about how to proceed, especially because its on her tiny toe. Good to know maybe I'm doing some things right! I haven't cut yet, so I won't. And I'm giving her a break from the soaks. I'll try the epsom poultice and look into the other...
  14. Cinnaminute

    Bumblefoot on toe - should I cut open or not?

    Hi, ever since the rainy winter and spring, I've had bumblefoot creep up in my flock. Likely due to the constant wet conditions, I assume. It's been a tough time keeping anything dry and I'm trying to get some wood chips as bedding since erosion and lots of moisture doesn't work well with a lot...
  15. Cinnaminute

    Polish or crevecoeur chick

    What a cutie!! I got 6 Crevecoeur pullets last February and a cockerel in June last year. Your little guy looks so much like them when they were young! This was my boy. At this age he didn't have his beard or muffs yet. It took a bit for them to come in. It seemed to coincide with his crest...
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