Recent content by Debbie292d

  1. Debbie292d

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    Sophie tells them to shut up if they get loud. Otherwise, either one just looks down at them. They are high up on perches so always about 4' apart. The parrots have never once gone down to the ground and no way the silkies could ever get to them even if they wanted to. After 8 years of them...
  2. Debbie292d

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    Thank you. The macaws do have an outside aviary too I forgot to mention, which is even more fun for them since it's also a growout pen for 3 months old silkies. So they get something more to look at watching the chickens go in and out lol.
  3. Debbie292d

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    I do. Thanks for the tag! I've had Sophie for over 20 years, and Julio for about 10. They are blue and gold macaws. They are in giant separate cages in my home office. Both are pluckers and we've tried everything over the years and gave up. They go on long trips with us. Hubby made a bar...
  4. Debbie292d

    Complete novice!

    Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow That's awesome you "inherited" some chickens with your new place!! Congrats! If ever questions, just find the forum and ask! You can also head over to our Learning Center and peruse articles there to learn or read up on things concerning our feathered friends!
  5. Debbie292d

    New Member

    Hiya, and welcome aboard to BYC!! :frow Love your photos of your chickens and dog...lovely!!
  6. Debbie292d

    Is this egg dead or alive

    I wouldn't candle them daily. I don't think it's alive but if in doubt, I put them back in but with an X in pencil on them so I can check that one more carefully before lockdown. Welcome to BYC! :frow Wishing you a great hatch!
  7. Debbie292d

    Sick chick

    So sorry! :hugs
  8. Debbie292d

    Pullets eating poop??- any advice?

    Weird! You're doing everything one would suggest could be helpful. Maybe give them Nutra Drench or better yet, Poultry Cell water for a day or two and see if it helps. We use horse bedding pellets in both the coop and the brooders which dries out the poop. Not sure it would dry it fast...
  9. Debbie292d

    Sick chick

    What I would do: I'd make a batch of Poultry Cell water, put some in a teaspoon and try get it to drink a little, then put it back in the incubator (99.5) for a day. I just did this a week ago in a similar situation and it's fine now.
  10. Debbie292d

    What am I?

    I could only guess as I'm bad at breeds other than silkies...maybe a Rhode Island Red? She sure is cute!!
  11. Debbie292d

    Hey, there!

    Aha, I see you put your location in! I'm over west of Green Bay by about 45 minutes. Here's our Cheesehead thread if you care to say hi. 🧀 Go Pack!
  12. Debbie292d

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    We've used Food Grade DE for over 20 years in our macaw parrot cages to keep fruit flies and pantry moths gone. Then, when we got ants, around the house and no more ants. It's not a cure-all for sure, but since we got chickens were advised to use it in our coop and dust baths as a prevention...
  13. Debbie292d

    Newbie(to BYC)

    On BYC, I've heard of a couple making it to 15 years, but that's pretty rare.
  14. Debbie292d

    Newbie(to BYC)

    A lot depends on breed as some live longer than others, but the general lifespan is 6-10 years, depending on the diet and care they are getting. Some live longer, some die sooner.
  15. Debbie292d

    possible frizzle?

    Nope, not a frizzle. It's beautiful though. That's a normal silkie cross or something. Ie. it will be fuzzy and have a vaulted hairdo on its head. Something on this order, less the feathered feet.
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