Recent content by JedJackson

  1. JedJackson

    Black copper marans pullets???

    1 is for sure a cockerel. The other two are pullets. Difficult to say if they are purebred or not. When they're older it may be easier to tell.
  2. JedJackson

    What is this chicken?

    Silveruuds should never have crests, neither males nor females, so I wouldn't trust anything this breeder says. In fact no breed of chicken has females with crests and males without them. The red and white one is a mixed breed cockerel. The black and white one is probably a pullet, and is also...
  3. JedJackson

    Deathlayer mix cockerel, mixed with what?

    He does look like a Deathlayer mix, and it would have to be with something with feathered legs, probably Silkie. I believe the gene for 5 toes is dominant, but the Silkie parent itself could have been mixed, and that may explain why he only has the four toes. Cochin or Marans are possible, too...
  4. JedJackson

    To be or not to be... a pullet- what gender and Breed? (8-ish wk old EE and Buff)

    Your older hens are all mixed breeds. It's actually Melly that looks more like a male to me. That comb is very large for 8 weeks. Easter is kind of in between, but looks more like a pullet at this point.
  5. JedJackson

    Though they were cockerels, now I'm not so sure... 8 weeks old.

    Top one is a cockerel, the bottom one in the middle is a pullet.
  6. JedJackson

    Any guesses at what breed my chicks are?

    The first is likely to be a crele or spangled old English game bantam. The second is probably a red Cochin bantam. The last two could be wheaten Marans. They lack the beards of Faverolles and the pea combs of Brahmas.
  7. JedJackson

    What breed is this?

    A picture of its comb would help. I'm thinking it's some type of Easter egger because of the green legs, but it could be a California white.
  8. JedJackson

    12 weeks pullet or cockerel

    Both are cockerels.
  9. JedJackson

    Breed and gender guesses please.

    If the chick came from a hatchery/store, then it's not a Silkie cross. Maybe a Moonbeam or Smokey Pearl.
  10. JedJackson

    Sapphire gem or lavender orpington?

    Looks more like a lavender Orpington to me, but if you look at the skin on the underside of its feet, that should tell you more definitively. Orpingtons should have a white or pinkish white color to that area, while SGs will have a yellowish color.
  11. JedJackson

    5.5 weeks thinking one cockerel the rest pullets!

    I think you have it right.
  12. JedJackson

    Breed ID

    Difficult to say for sure, but that could well be correct. Jersey Giants get big but they take a long time to get there, so the black one could be one. Mystic Onyx should have dark face and skin, but there's always the oddball that doesn't. Or it could be a legbar x black copper Marans type of...
  13. JedJackson

    Bantam Colour Help

    At least here in the US, auctions are well known for these problems, and you risk bringing in disease to your flock by buying from them. I mean, that is always a risk, but more so from auction birds. If I were you I would seek out a breeder with a good reputation. That's the surest way to get...
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